Herencia Journal ISSN Impreso: 1659-0066 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6356

Orality in Los perros hambrientos by Ciro Alegría
PDF - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 33, No. 2 pp. 53-65 (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 33, No. 2 pp. 53-65 (Español (España))



How to Cite

Cerino Córdova, K. A. (2020). Orality in Los perros hambrientos by Ciro Alegría. Herencia Journal, 33(2), 53–65.


Received: 05-01-2020

Approved: 05-29-2020

This article is an approach to the notion of orality through an analysis and reading of the novel Los perros hambrientos, by Ciro Alegría, a Peruvian writer. Above all, it is argued with the work of various literary critics who have approached the narrative work of Alegría, also the author of La serpiente de oro and El mundo es ancho y ajeno. It is important to know, in the text, the essence of the effects of this orality present in Latin American literature, and especially, of Peruvian literature. Los perros hambrientos is a work woven around the oral discourse and the stories of the Andean region. Simón Robles, personage and creator of oral stories, is the piece in the construction of this alegriana work published in Santiago de Chile, in 1938.
PDF - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 33, No. 2 pp. 53-65 (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 33, No. 2 pp. 53-65 (Español (España))



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