Received: 13 de diciembre de 2021.
Approved: 21 de junio de 2022.
The following biographical semblance presents some aspects, by way of summary, of the life of Man Yu Fung, an artist of Chinese origin living in Costa Rica, and her work. The biographical sketch is made with the purpose of putting into practice the artistic appreciation and is based on an interview with Fung, information from her web page and conversations with the teacher Kriss Irella González, within the framework of the course Appreciation of Latin American Arts of the School of General Studies.
The reader will find, at the end of this reading that Man Yu is a multidisciplinary painter, whose art evolves from realistic figuration in the representation of bodies to the exploration and incursion into a fusion of disciplines. The appreciation of her works highlights her art which revolves around identity themes and those of her time, such as the theme of fashion and its influence on the perception of bodies or even the fight against the coronavirus; on a technical level, we see the use of pastel, acrylic and oil techniques, applied to figurative representations until reaching the art of action and video art.
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Brives, F. (2020). Textos críticos. man-yu-art. https://www.manyuart.com/trajehuman
Gomez, P. (2020). Identidad cultural. Ensayos de Filosofía.
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Hidalgo. F (Productor). (1 de mayo, 2014). Traje Humano. CENCOLOR [Video de YouTube]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydsArLO2pYs&t=255s
Fung, M. Y. (2017). Xue Mei [Fotografía]. https://www.manyuart.com/realismocontemporaneo
Fung, M. Y. (2006). Mujeres del Oriente: Guerra y escenario 1 [Fotografía]. https://www.manyuart.com/mujeresdeloriente
Fung, M.Y. (2020). Man Yu: semblanza de una artista asiático-costaricense/ Entrevistada por Ishtar Yarit Güendel Hernández, María Solano Soto, Fátima Meléndez Alvarado. Curso Apreciación del Arte Latinoamericano.
Man Yu | Traje Humano. (13 de diciembre de 2018). man-yu-art. https://www.manyuart.com/elclosethumano
Man Yu | No Soy Este Traje (2018). man-yu-art. https://www.manyuart.com/nosoyestetraje
Man Yu | Proyecto Mujer. (Diciembre, 2016). man-yu-art. https://www.manyuart.com/mujer
Man Yu. (1 October, 2020). Videoarte | Ilusión: Construcción Sonora [Video de YouTube]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlpotZ6SVR4