Ingeniería ISSN Impreso: 1409-2441 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2652


About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica is distributed and first published on 1991, is an official publication sponsored by the Engineering Research Institute (INII) from the University of Costa Rica, and the first engineering journal in the region. Its main purpose is the publication of original and unpublished articles in both English and Spanish about biosystems, civil, electric, industrial, mechanic, chemical, topographic, and similar engineering fields. This free access journal aims primarily at national and international engineering professionals. Ingeniería Journal uses the assessment process called “double-blind peer review”, which is carried out by national and international reviewers. The articles are published in two semesterly issues with the Online First Publication, allowing an ongoing circulation of information.

Publication Frequency

This journal publishes two issues a year, in the months of January-June and July-December. Articles are published with the Online First Publication, allowing an ongoing circulation of information.

Peer Review Process

First, the documents sent to the Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica, are submitted to an editorial review process in order to determine if they fulfill the guidelines for authors (available at: # authorGuidelines). In addition, it is necessary that they follow the editorial requirements of the journal.
Once the document fulfills the initial requirements, a content review is carried out through a “double-blind” process with at least two peer reviewers. In this process, external peers are sought from the publishing entity (University of Costa Rica), the institution or institutions of the authors, and to the extent possible external to Costa Rica, in order to guarantee greater subjectivity in the publication of the evaluation. After the peer review process has finished, the Editorial Board will make the final decision to either publish or reject the manuscript.

Both editorial and peer review stages follow the next flowchart

Any document presented to our journal will become property of Revista de Ingeniería for file managing purposes, according to documentation control procedures from our institution.

Publication Frequency

This journal is published electronically twice a year and in printed form once a year starting with Volume 25, Number 2. All contents are available online at the University of Costa Rica journal portal.

Open Access Policy

This journal supports the open access to scientific literature initiatives with the purpose that any user can read, download, store, print, search, index, and create links to other journal’s full texts, allowing the free distribution of previous electronic issues without commercial purposes. Our journal does not charge authors for the articles’ editorial process, publication, or assignment of open access license (APC - article processing charge).

Authors maintain control over their work and have the right to be properly cited.

Note Clarification regarding the licensing

Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica, announces to authors, readers and the public in general that in previous years, different licenses were used, according to the Editorial Board in charge, however our current policy has as official license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.  See: Errata

Rejection Rate

Tasa de Rechazo

For the indicated fascicles, 37,3% of the total articles were accepted for publication, while 62,7% were rejected.

Ethical Code

You can consult our Ethical Code here

Plagiarism Detection Policy

Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica, ensures compliance with all national and international ethical norms during the publication process. Hence, this journal follows norms of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and employs the Turnitin plagiarism detection system. Likewise, Revista de Ingeniería requests authors an authorship affidavit, which establishes the manuscript’s originality and non-prior publication in other journal.

If the Editorial Board detects plagiarism through a reviewer, Turnitin, another author, etc., this entity will:

  • Request and investigate the documentation to verify the seriousness of the misconduct or the degree of similarity of the information.
  • Notify the author about the situation and remind him or her of the authorship affidavit, giving him or her reasonable time to answer back.
  • If this answer does not satisfy the Editorial Board, the document might be rejected. On the other hand, should the answer be well justified, and the author accepts the corrective measures, the article might continue in the publication process.
  • If the plagiarism is detected after the article was published, the Editorial Board will verify the misconduct and withdraw the article, notifying the decision to all parties involved.
  • Should the journal detect plagiarism in any stage of the publication process, the author will receive an administrative sanction for two years in which he or she would not be able to send any document.

Some of the responsibilities of the participants are as follows:

  • Editors will oversee the publication processes, following the highest ethical standards. Editors must also make sure articles are reviewed by subject specialists. Moreover, they must relay the norms of publication clearly.

  • Authors will present the results of their research process in a transparent, rigorous, and ethical manner, assuming the responsibility for said published investigation. Authors will also be required to describe their methods of investigation in such way that the scientific community can corroborate or replicate the data. Authors will refrain from submitting the manuscript to two or more journals simultaneously. Authors should disclose their sources of funding and relevant conflicts of interest, if any, and declare the nature of said conflict
  • Reviewers will agree to inform about possible fraud or plagiarism regarding the evaluated investigations. In addition, reviewers will abstain from using the information in the manuscripts assigned to them until these are published by  Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica. They will evaluate the articles rigorously, objectively, and within the previously established time. They will substantiate their observations and, whenever relevant, offer their observations to improve the quality of the manuscript.

Digital preservation

Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica, belongs to the PKP-PN network, which uses the preservation network LOCKSS to preserve published digital information. Last updated on February 6, 2021. More information in the following website 

In addition, there is digital support from the institutional repository of the University of Costa Rica and additional support from the Institute of Engineering Research, at:, which is fed with each published document.

Data policy

This journal urges authors, to the extent possible and applicable, to deposit the data that support their research in a public repository. The data with a digital object identifier (DOI) assigned by the repository in which it is located, must be cited in the reference lists of the article. Citations must include at least: author, title, place where the data was published (repository name), doi.

In the event of an embargo of the data, a "Data Declaration" can be made indicating the reasons why the information cannot be shared.

The use and citation of the data, as well as the corresponding article, is recommended because it contributes to the replicability of the research, increasing the visibility and citations of the research.


Journal History

Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica, is distributed undwas founded in 1989 and its first volume was published in 1991. It was created by a commission of professors from the School of Engineering of the University of Costa Rica with the objective to reinforce the spread of scientific information on this field inside and outside the country.

From the beginning, this journal has served as a means for the circulation of scientific information in all engineering fields in Central America. For many years, Revista de Ingeniería was the only journal on this field on the area; thus, its contributions have been important.

In the 21st century, world globalization has demanded the increase on information quality; hence, this journal has compromised to adjust its working approach. The journal keeps updating itself while maintaining its original objective.

Interoperability Protocol

This Journal uses the Doublin Core Meta Tags Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), with strives to develop and promote interoperability standards in order to provide efficient content circulation on the Internet.