Ingeniería ISSN Impreso: 1409-2441 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2652

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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All authors must indicate their ORCID when registered. In case you do not own an ORCID code, follow the steps at
  • The authors must send the reference of three specialists in their line of research, these must be external to your work institution (for example, if you work for the University of Costa Rica, the people you recommend must belong to institutions other than this university); people with international affiliations to avoid conflicts of interest between authors and the possible reviewers. The information shared by these people must include name, academic degree, institutional affiliation, email, and specialty. The Revista Ingeniería reserves the right to assign these suggested people as peer reviewers.
  • Please, fill and attach the file “Publication authorization form”, which you can find at
  • The manuscript has not been published or sent yet to any other journal (unless an explanation has been provided on the section Comments to the Editor)
  • The autor/authors accepts a grammar and style review from a philologist. Otherwise, the author/authors provide a letter declaring that the document has been previously reviewed by another philologist or that the manuscript meets these requirements.
  • The authors must generate a supplementary document, which must be sent with the draft of the manuscript. The roles in which each of the authors has participated should be detailed. Each author can have multiple roles and each role can be used in different authors. (See taxonomy, final part of copyright section)

Author Guidelines



INGENIERÍA. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica

Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica, accepts manuscripts that are the product of original research projects in all fields of engineering. These manuscripts can be written in English, Spanish and should fit into any of the following categories:

Original articles: these are original manuscripts that contain relevant information obtained from research projects and are the product of a complex analysis of data or culminate in the development of a technological device.

Technical notes: these manuscripts are short, highly-technical, informative and useful pieces of information directed to updating technologies, working protocols and approaches.


All manuscripts for publication consideration should be submitted through the journal platform of the University of Costa Rica. For this, corresponding authors should register first before starting the submission process.

The editorial office of the yournal quickly checks all manuscripts for quality standards upon submission. When the manuscript topic is outside of the journal scope or manuscripts do not meet minimum standards, these are sent back to the author without peer review. When manuscripts meet both first requirements, they are sent to professionals in the same area, usually located outside of the country, who review the original version and make a recommendation to the editor. Independent of such recommendation, the final decision on one particular manuscript is responsibility of the editor on behalf of the editorial board. Upon acceptance, manuscripts are sent to production and published in digital format first and in printed form. Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica, does not accept or publish preprints.


Format and presentation: As regards the structure and format of the manuscript, please refer to the Authoring Author's Guide and Standards of the Engineering Journal.  Currently, the Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica, uses the IEEE citation manual/guide.

In addition, authors are advised to revise Law No. 5292 of the Republic of Costa Rica on the Use of SI (International System of Units) in La Gaceta No. 56, published on Monday, March 21, 2011 (Spanish)

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses introduced in this system will be used exclusively for journal purposes and will not be available for any other purpose.