Ingeniería ISSN Impreso: 1409-2441 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2652

Development of BREM Software for Bistatic Radar’s Range Estimations

Supplementary Files



Bistatic Radars
Ovals of Cassini
Radar Virtual Simulation Environment
Range Estimation
Radares Biestáticos
Óvalos de Cassini
Ambiente Virtual de Simulación de Radares
Estimación de la Zona de Visibilidad.

How to Cite

Coya Márquez, Y., & Machado Fernández, J. R. (2017). Development of BREM Software for Bistatic Radar’s Range Estimations. Ingeniería, 27(2), 74–86.


A radar device is considered to be bistatic when the transmitter and receiver are placed on locations separated by a distance considerably greater than the distance from the target. One of the key aspects when working with radars is being able to assess the range prior to deployment. In this sense, the ZVR (Zona de Visibilidad del Radar, Radar Range) software is available in Cuba since 1993 for the estimation of the range of monostatic radars. In order to complement the functions of the ZVR, a MATLAB application, which allows the priori calculation of the coverage area, was developed by the authors for the bistatic case. The new BREM (Bistatic Range Estimation in Matlab) software has an intuitive graphical interface that allows the modification of simulation data and selection of specific geographic regions on a map from Cuban territory, while other maps may be also introduced. The tool uses the direct calculation method that requires the existence of direct visibility between the transmitter and receiver, and it will be used for evaluating and planning new bistatic radar deployments.


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