Initially, by reviewing the regulations of other countries on the safety factors for the mechanical design of distribution lines, it is concluded that the most convenient conditions for Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz (CNFL) is the application of the established values in the National Electrical Safety Code of the United States of America (NESC). Continually, an analysis of efforts is performed in the mounting that are currently used by modeling by finite elements, obtaining for all cases, the mounting are underutilized. An analysis is also performed by means of static equilibrium in the bolts that hold the mounting concluding that they are also underutilized.o matemático no lineal de Ratkowsky con un coeficiente de 0,971 y valores de α = 11,04 y β = -1,49 para la parametrización del modelo no lineal. Con los resultados obtenidos es posible predecir el valor de UFC presentes en el medio de cultivo para un valor determinado de F_0, lo cual puede ser de amplio interés en procesos de esterilización industrial, con el fin de ahorrar tiempo y costos de operación.