Ingeniería ISSN Impreso: 1409-2441 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2652

Hydrochemical characterization of groundwater located in the Cajamarca flow coverage area, Bolivia


microbiological analysis
organoleptic analysis
chemical analysis
water quality
agricultural use
hidrochemical analysis
análisis microbiológico
análisis organoléptico
análisis químico
calidad del agua
uso agrícola
análisis hidroquímico

How to Cite

Rocha Echalar, D. S., Aquino Rocha, J. H., & Cayo Chileno, N. G. (2022). Hydrochemical characterization of groundwater located in the Cajamarca flow coverage area, Bolivia. Ingeniería, 33(1).


The objective of this research work is to analyze and evaluate the quality of groundwater in the city of Sucre, Bolivia, specifically in the area covered by the Cajamarca flow. The methodology consisted initially in the characterization of the study area: location, topography, geology, hydrological and hydrogeological framework and rainfall. Subsequently, samples were selected and taken from seven wells (P1-P7). Microbiological, organoleptic, chemical and hydrogeochemical analyses were performed, as well as evaluation for agricultural use. The minimum requirements for water quality control for human consumption of Bolivian Standard 512, Law No. 1333 of the Environment and the guidelines for drinking water quality of the World Health Organization were considered. The results show that all the wells meet the requirements established in the chemical parameters. However, the seven wells are compromised in the microbiological and organoleptic characterization. Regarding the hydrogeochemical analysis, it is observed that most of the samples belong to the Na+-HCO3- group with a relatively high ionic content. On the other hand, only P2 and P7 are suitable for agricultural use, while P3 and P4 can be used under certain conditions. Although groundwater exploitation can be an alternative to water demand, a detailed analysis of its characteristics and, if necessary, a treatment for its use should be carried out.


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