Ingeniería ISSN Impreso: 1409-2441 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2652

Risk assessment (RA) in a tankers ships terminal, based on the ISO-31000:2018 standard and qualitative-quantitative techniques
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Evaluación de riesgo
método simplificado
modelo ToR
muelle de buques tanqueros
nivel de riesgo
norma ISO-31000:2018
ISO-31000:2018 standard
risk assessment
risk level
simplified method
tankers ships pier

How to Cite

López García, M., Montes de Oca Rivera, R. ., & Ramírez Ramírez, M. (2023). Risk assessment (RA) in a tankers ships terminal, based on the ISO-31000:2018 standard and qualitative-quantitative techniques. Ingeniería, 33(2), 99–115.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the risks of a dock that is part of a ship tankers terminal; the evaluation considered the ISO-31000:2018 standard. In accordance with the object of study, the next phases were applied: scope, context, criteria and risk assessment. The following areas were identified: occupational health and safety, environment, natural phenomena and integrity of assets. For the identification phase, a combination of techniques was used, including on-site observation, brainstorming, and hazard identification (HAZID). Regarding the analysis, the simplified RE method was used and the Tolerability of Risk (ToR) model was employed for the assessment. The results determined the level for each of the risks, namely: fire, explosion, bodily harm, solid waste pollution, liquid waste pollution, tropical storms, corrosion, and damage to infrastructure and equipment.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Miguel López García, Reynaldo Montes de Oca Rivera, María Ramírez Ramírez


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