Ingeniería ISSN Impreso: 1409-2441 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2652

Uncertainty in Land Value Modeling of the San José Metropolitan Region, Costa Rica


land values
sequential Gaussian
spatial factors
factores espaciales
simulación gaussiana secuencial
valor del suelo

How to Cite

Pérez Molina, E., & Vargas Aguilar, D. (2023). Uncertainty in Land Value Modeling of the San José Metropolitan Region, Costa Rica. Ingeniería, 34(1).


Land value patterns show very distinct spatial associations with accessibility to urban centralities and physical factors in a territory. However, predictions based on models of this structure can be highly uncertain, as the underlying data also may show clustering (thus allowing for better predictions in more densely sampled areas). An assessment of this uncertainty for land value extrapolations in the the San José Metropolitan Region of Costa Rica is presented, via conditional Gaussian simulation, and the determinants of this uncertainty were explored, to find spatial strengths and weaknesses in the modeling efforts. The E-Type prediction from the conditional Gaussian simulation was found to marginally improve on ordinary kriging methods and it also provided explicit uncertainty patterns, which are the inverse of the land value prediction. The estimated uncertainty was found to decrease with characteristics that identify suitability for urban land use (and thus higher land values).


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Copyright (c) 2023 Eduardo Pérez Molina, Darío Vargas Aguilar


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