Educational transformation is a constant challenge for university institutions, a challenge that constitutes a greater challenge for careers related to the ever-changing world of technology and computing. In this context, this article shows how the Informatics and Multimedia Technology career at the University of Costa Rica, Pacific Headquarters, has taken on the challenge of training professionals in the area of informatics with a user-centric approach, graduating professionals at the level of Bachelor's degree with an emphasis towards User Experience (UX). Emphasis whose value and contribution to the technological and computer sector allows students to insert themselves in a technological market oriented towards the development of digital products and services designed for the people who use them. Information about the Computer Science and Multimedia Technology career is compiled in this article, with a special focus on the emphasis on User Experience; the reference framework of what the UX market is both globally and locally (Costa Rica) is provided; the specific institutional contributions of the UX professional profile that add value to the technological and computer market are defined, from the perspective of their contribution to organizations and digital product and service development teams; and, finally, the appreciation of the student body is provided regarding their vision of how the Informatics and Multimedia Technology career with an emphasis on User Experience brings value to them and opens doors for them in the professional field.
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