The COVID-19 pandemic caused higher education institutions to move their courses taught and designed for a face-to-face modality to a virtual platform in a short time. However, these institutions, as well as their teachers, did not have experience in virtual education. Which made each institution respond in different ways to the adaptation of this new learning context. However, many of the strategies implemented during the adaptation process, as well as the experiences of the students in the development of the courses, have not been documented. In order to contribute to the documentation of experiences by students, this article presents the systematization process followed to migrate two courses, from the programming area, which were offered in a 100% face-to-face mode to a 100% online learning context, through the use of the Virtual Mediation platform of the Universidad de Costa Rica. A total of 104 higher education students participated in the study. In order to know the students' perception of the instructional design used, the participants answered an 18-question questionnaire. The results, obtained from 53 people, show that the students have a positive perception of the instructional design used and consider that it supports them: organize and plan the activities to be carried out each week, become aware of the knowledge to be acquired and the importance of each academic resource used. It is expected that this systematization will serve as a guide for teachers who wish to make a planned migration from a face-to-face course to a virtual course.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Cindy Rebeca Chavarría Villalobos, Ronald Antonio Pérez Álvarez, Mónica Estela Muñoz Ramírez