InterSedes ISSN Impreso: 1409-4746 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2458

Augmented reality as a didactic resource in a virtual elementary school classroom
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creative thinking
educational resources
electronic learning
mobile phones
primary education
aprendizaje en línea
enseñanza primaria
recursos educacionales
teléfono móvil

How to Cite

Araya González, M. G. (2023). Augmented reality as a didactic resource in a virtual elementary school classroom. InterSedes, 24(50), 337–359.


The use of augmented reality as a teaching resource to support education has increased in recent years. However, most research is registered in the university context and there are few interventions in primary school. Specifically, no initiatives integrating AR as a teaching resource are reported in Costa Rica. To contribute to this area, this article explores the use of AR in primary education. Specifically, it proposes the design and evaluation of a teaching resource supported by AR to support the Social Studies subject. The design of the didactic resource used the design thinking methodology. The evaluation of the resource was carried out with a group of 10 fourth grade elementary students. The students used the resource for a period of two weeks. Data analysis was based on student perception of usability, motivation, and participation in activities supported by the AR resource. The results show that the design of the educational resource should be intuitive and compatible with different types of devices. Also, students perceived that the learning resource motivates them to participate more in the activities, makes participation in the activities more interactive, and makes them more aware of the topic under study. The results of this study contribute to future research that wants to define an AR resource in the context of primary education.
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