Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Authorization to publish the article.
Declaration of originality and unpublished nature of the article
Acceptance of the Code of Ethics
Author's full name and minimum curriculum vitae (academic degree and academic or institutional affiliation).
Summary of the article in English and Spanish (abstract)
Keywords in spanish and english.
At least the sections of introduction, development, conclusions and bibliographical references.
Arial 12 font, 1.5 spacing, justified alignment, indentation on the first line of 1.25, left and right margins of 3 cm and top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm.
The file format must be Open Document Text (.odt), Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf).
The article lenght should not exceed 30,000 characters.
Author Guidelines
IUS Doctrina is a journal registered as a research project of the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas of the Universidad de Costa Rica, whose objective is the publication of current and innovative works that contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge about legal phenomena, from different perspectives of analysis: dogmatic, ius-philosophical and socio-legal, as well as from other scientific disciplines, such as sociology, political science and philosophy. As part of the objectives of the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, the publication is aimed at researchers and university students, as well as law practitioners.
The publication is annual and is published between October and November. Therefore, articles to be published in this issue are received until August 1 of the current year.
All articles must necessarily include:
- Express authorization for publication.
- Declaration of originality and unpublished nature of the article.
Acceptance of the journal's Code of Ethics.
- Author's full name and minimum curriculum vitae (academic degree and academic or institutional affiliation).
- Summary of the article in Spanish and English (abstract).
- Key words in Spanish and English (keywords).
- At least the sections of introduction, development, conclusions and bibliographical references.
The international system of citation and bibliographic references used and authorized in IUS Doctrina is APA (6th edition). Here you can consult the most frequently asked questions about this system.
According to the resolution of the Editorial Board of the Ius-Doctrina Journal of June 3, 2016, the following rules were established regarding the procedure for the publication of articles:
- The articles received are reviewed by the editor, if they meet the minimum formal requirements, they are sent to an external peer expert in the subject matter (referee) to which the article refers (single blind system).
- The referees will be external to the Editorial Board, may be national or foreign and will be appointed by the Academic Direction and the editor of the journal. They will have one month to render their opinion.
- The opinion of the referees will evaluate the quality of the arguments, the methodology of the research, as well as its conclusions and the impact and contribution they imply for the state of knowledge and legal praxis.
- Once the opinion has been rendered by the peers, it will be submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal.
- The decision of the Editorial Board will be communicated to the author, and in case it is necessary to make any modification or correction, the author will be granted a period of 5 days to do so.
IUS Doctrina uses as plagiarism detection systems the manual examination of articles by the editor, as well as the Turnitin automated system.
If plagiarism is detected, the article will be immediately rejected and the author will not be allowed to publish again in the journal for one year. In case of recidivism, the veto will be permanent.
The journal does not charge any fee for the publication of articles.
Copyright Notice
Copyright notice
Following the policies of the University of Costa Rica and the Vice Rector's Office for Research, as well as the Budapest Initiative for Open Access, IUS Doctrina provides completely free access to its contents, considering that open access is an indispensable principle for "a scientific culture that promotes the dissemination, disclosure and recognition of science, technology and innovation, as social and cultural heritage" (article 11.l of the Research Regulations of the University of Costa Rica).
In accordance with the above, any user is allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or use the content of IUS Doctrina for any legal purpose, without any financial, legal or technical barrier. Likewise, the reproduction and distribution of its content is authorized, with the only limitation of citing the original source. For further details, Revista IUS Doctrina uses for all its content the Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth herein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.