Journal IUS Doctrina ISSN Impreso: 1659-3685 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3707


Code of Ethics


This document presents a compilation of principles and practices that show the ethical commitment of the IUS Doctrina Journal. Recognizing the responsibility that characterizes a work of excellence and professional integrity, this Code of Ethics is presented so that all parties involved in the process of entry, review and publication of any article and academic document in the Journal IUS Doctrina, always abide by these principles, rules and virtues. The Journal recognizes and assumes the ethical and professional responsibility of reproducing quality, authentic and scientifically rigorous content.

The provisions of this Code are binding as an implicit commitment for all those people involved in the process of entering, editing, proofreading and publication of all articles and academic documents published by the IUS Doctrina Journal, as well as for those who write, elaborate or participate in the Journal's publications.

The purpose of this Code is to guide the actions and work practices of all members of the Journal and those who are involved with it in the process of content production. In addition, its purpose is to establish the values and ethical aspirations that are intended to inspire the conduct of the Journal's authors and contributors, seeking to inhibit any practice or conduct that affects, discredits or discredits the Journal.

Principles of Editorial Ethics

  • Responsibility

Duty to accept the consequences of one's actions resulting from the decisions made or accepted by any person involved in the process of entering, editing, proofreading and publishing all articles and academic papers published by the IUS Doctrina Journal.

  • Accuracy, Rigor and Truthfulness

Commitment to be accurate and punctual with the information collected and written in the articles and documents published by the IUS Doctrina Journal. To be rigorous in the collection of data, contrasting and corroborating the veracity of the sources of information obtained; in addition to striving for accuracy and clarity in the writing of articles. Any type of fraudulent or obviously inaccurate statement is considered unethical and unacceptable. 

  • Independence and impartiality

IUS Doctrina Magazine is committed to objectivity and impartiality when dealing with the contents of the articles or documents, without any kind of discrimination or favoritism towards any subject.

  • Probity

Commitment to act with honesty and integrity in all activities related to IUS Doctrina Magazine, always maintaining transparency, rectitude and honesty as maxims.

  • Confidentiality

Commitment to preserve and keep secret all information known to the people involved in the process of entry, editing, proofreading and publication of all articles and academic papers that have a use different from the improvement of the text or that reveals unpublished material without the express written consent of the author.


Author's Responsibilities

  1. The author must guarantee that any article and/or document he/she submits is the product of original and unpublished work. The information used for the writing of the paper must be obtained in an ethical manner. In addition, he/she shall undertake to submit an article and/or paper that has not been published or submitted for consideration for publication in any other media.
  2. Authors must follow all the guidelines for the publication of articles defined by the editorial committee in order to make possible the publication of their work.
  3. Authors must reference all sources used and cite according to the APA model used by the IUS Doctrina Journal, this includes the respective authorizations for the use of images and photographs attached. Any form of plagiarism constitutes an unacceptable practice. The work must include sufficient detail and references to enable others to use the published article or document.
  4. The authorship of the article or document must include as co-authors all those persons who have contributed significantly in any stage of the writing of the text; furthermore, it must be guaranteed that all authors of the document approve the final version to be published by IUS Doctrina.
  5. The Journal reserves the right not to publish any article or academic document that it considers does not belong to its area of interest.
  6. In case the author finds any error or inaccuracy in his/her work after its publication in the Journal, it will be his/her obligation to notify the editor of the Journal as soon as possible and collaborate with the correction or rectification of the publication.
  7. When requesting the publication of an article, the author accepts the processes of control, revision, evaluation and publication or rejection of the document.
  8. In case of disagreement with the recommendations of the editorial diagnosis of the document, the author must adequately justify the reason why he/she will not proceed to make the requested changes in the text.


Responsibilities of the editor, Editorial Board and International Advisory Board

  1. The editor shall be responsible for everything published in the Journal.
  2. They shall strive to constantly improve the Journal, the quality of its publications and promote the highest academic and scientific standards.
  3. If necessary, the editor should publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies for the material published by the Journal.
  4. They should guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation process, safeguarding the identity of both authors and reviewers.
  5. They must control the format and authorizations, translations and references of all documents that begin the evaluation process for publication.
  6. Approve or reject for publication, the articles that enter the Journal according to the evaluations made without incurring in any prejudice or discrimination of any kind towards the authors of the text.
  7. They will always be available to clarify doubts about the editorial evaluation process in order to guarantee the transparency of the process.
  8. All information or ideas obtained through the editing of articles or documents must be kept confidential and must not be used to obtain personal advantages.
  9. Duty to ensure the reputation, quality and prestige of the Journal.


Reviewer Responsibilities

  1. Accept, review and evaluate only those papers for which they are qualified and that correspond to their specialty and experience.
  2. Article reviewers should notify the Editor or Director of the journal in case they find any unethical conduct on the part of the authors.
  3. Reviewers should refrain from evaluating documents or articles with which they have any kind of conflict of interest.
  4. All information or ideas obtained through the review and evaluation of articles or documents should be kept confidential and should not be used to obtain personal advantages.
  5. Justify and justify in an objective and rigorous manner the recommendation to reject an article for publication in the Journal.
  6. Use clear, academic and respectful language in the evaluations and focus on the improvement of the document.