Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155


About the Journal

Journal definition

  • The Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas (legal sciences journal) is an academic and scientific publication in the field of legal sciences.
  • Thematic coverage: articles may belong to any of the fields of legal sciences.
  • It is published with the support of the inter-institutional agreement between the University of Costa Rica and the Costa Rican Bar Association.
  • Its objective is to disseminate new knowledge on scientific-legal disciplines, for the advice and logistical support of professionals, students and technical users of legal sciences.
  • Periodicity: Quarterly.
  • Printed and digitized journal.
  • Indexed journal.
  • Postal Address: Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica. America Central. Código Postal 2060, San José.
  • E-mail:

Evaluation process 

All work submitted for review to be published in the RCJ journal must be submitted through the electronic journal, for which the authors must first register, once the registration is done, they must proceed to the incorporation of the article through the submission system.

Papers must be original, unpublished and may not be submitted in whole or in part to another journal. All publications will be disclosed electronically, based on the rules of disclosure and transfer of rights by the authors. RCJ does not charge authors for any concept.

The average duration of the evaluation process is two month. 

The peer review system 

  • Articles received are reviewed by the editor, if they meet the formal requeriments, they are sent to an external peer expert in the subject matter (referee) to which the article refers (single blind system).
  • The referees will be external to the Editorial Board, may be national or foreign and will be appointed by the editor o the journal. They will have one month to render their opinion.
  • The opinion of the referees will evaluate the quality of the arguments, the methodology of the research, as well as its conclusions and the impact and contribution they imply for the state of knowledge and legal praxis. 
  • Once the opinion has been rendered by the peers, it will be submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal.
  • The decision of the Editorial Board will be communicated to the author, and in case it is necessary to make any modification or correction, the author will be granted a period of 5-15 days to do so.

Indexes and databases

This journal is associated with the following indexes and databases:

Latindex: (

Dialnet: (

Focus and Scope

The thematic coverage of articles published in this journal belong to the different legal areas, such as administrative, constitutional, international, family, labor, criminal and civil law.

Periodicity of the journal

The publication frequency of the journal is quarterly, with three volumes a year. The first volume will correspond to the months of January-April, the second to May-August, and the third to September-December.

How to cite the journal

To cite our journal, it is recommended, as the case may be: Name of the Author, Full title of the article, Name of the Journal, Volume number, pages, editorial manager (Universidad de Costa Rica), year of publication and number of pages. DOI if there is one, if not, URL where it is retrieved.

Open acces policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content on the principle of making research freely available to the public, which fosters greater global knowledge sharing.

Digital Preservation Policy

The publication has the digital preservation support provided by the institutional repository of the University of Costa Rica.

This publication also belongs to the PKP Preservation Network, which provides preservation for any OJS journal.

Finally, the articles are preserved in the Legal Research Institute of the University of Costa Rica.

Interoperability Protocol

This journal uses OAI/PMH Interoperability Protocol to transfer digital resources, scientific information and to contribute to open access to new knowledge.


Copyright Policy

People who submit articles of their own authorship to Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas retain their copyright and grant publication permission to the journal for the digital format publication.

Published articles can be viewed and downloaded from other Web by general public and partner sites as well. In any case, these should indicate the authorship of the articles, the date of publication and the number of the journal to which they correspond.

Documents published in Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas can be downloaded from the journal's website and from the databases where it is indexed.

This journal respects and shares everything contemplated in Law No. 6683 Law of Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Costa Rica, and its reform in Law 7979.


  • University of Costa Rica
  • Costa Rican Bar Association

Help Sources

  • University of Costa Rica
  • Costa Rican Bar Association

Journal History

The journal was first published, by the University of Costa Rica in March 1956 with the name of Journal of Legal-Social Sciences; the second and third volumes were published in December 1957 and December 1958, respectively. By September 1959 and September 1960, the fourth and fifth publications were made with the new journal name of Revista de Ciencias Sociales, as a continuation of the previous ones. It was until May 1963 that the Journal was first published with its current name of Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas, as it was indicated in the Presentation of this issue by the dean of the Faculty of Law, the lawyer Rogelio Sotela: "previously it had been published as Revista de Ciencias Jurídico-Sociales, of which three issues were published; and subsequently, with the name of Revista de Ciencias Sociales, two other issues appeared" (p.6).