Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155

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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The petition has not been previously published, nor it has been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submitted file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web addresses have been added for references whenever possible.
  • The text has a spacing of one and a half; the font is Times New Roman size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the correct place, and not at the end of the document.
  • • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in the section About the journal.
  • • If you are submitting a document to the peer-reviewed section of the journal, please be sure to follow our instructions for blind reviewing.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors


  1. Elements to consider for the format and style of the article:
  • Articles must be original and unpublished. We receive documents in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese.
  • The document must not exceed 25 pages
  • References and citation should follow the Chicago citation model in force on the date the letter is written must be adjusted.
  • The text must have a line spacing to one and a half
  • Official font: Times New Roman 12 points.
  • Documents must be sent only to the official mail of the Journal:
  • Each collaborating person must register on the official web site of the journal, complete the information and send the corresponding text.
  • The title responds to the article content, and its extension should not exceed 2 or 3 lines. The structure of the document must be coherent with the objective, the method and the results or conclusions, which must respond to the argument of the introduction. The writing, composition and grammatical style are valued, as well as the use of current and varied information sources.


2.- Article cover

  • The main title is written in lowercase letters (except for words that necessarily have a capital letter), letter 14 and centered. An English translation of the title should be included.
  • The name of the author (a), three interlinear spaces below the title, on the right margin (Names do not have the degree, nor the affiliation, only the name).
  • Next to the name with (*)[1] footnote: author affiliation (Institution or place of work with the exact name, city and country).
  • Separated by a space: Contact: email and phone number (optional).
  • Include the ORCID (if you do not have it, you must register on the site
  • Consider a brief cv., no more than 5 lines for metadata.
  • After the author`s name, three interlinear spaces are included and these are followed by the date of receipt and acceptance of the article, as shown below. These dates will be determined by the editors of the Journal.
  • (Received: 00/00/22 • Accepted: 00/00/22)

3.-Second page of the article

  • Summary: Word "Summary" (in letter 14) then the text in letter 12. From 5 to 10 lines maximum.
  • Keywords: "Key words" (in letter 14) then the text in letter 12. Five words both in the document current language and English.
  • Abstract: Word “Abstract” (in letter 14) (version of the abstract in English or another permitted language), then the text in letter 12.
  • Keywords: Word “Keywords” (in letter 14) (version of the keywords in English or another permitted language), then the text in letter 12. Five words.
  • INDEX: Word "Index" (letter 14) then the text in letter 12
  • The document index will be in consecutive Arabic numbers, and with the numbering of 1.- 2.- 1.-3 (if there are subtitles), 2.-, 3.-


  • The Introduction, the conclusion and the reference sections are not numbered in the index, only in the content of the article. Reminder that the conclusion and References sections titles use letter number 14.


 Note: As it is a digital document, the page number is not required and should be removed if present.


4.- Document evaluation system

The Advisory Council or Editorial Commission also has the function of document evaluation or arbitration. In addition, there will be external referees, in the cases that warrant it, according to the criteria of the Director or the Editorial Commission, for which people belonging to the list of international collaborators subscribed to the journal will be selected.

5.- Ethics and plagiarism prevention policies

The Code of Ethics must be complied with. The Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas seeks to guarantee compliance with national (Costa Rican) and international ethical standards in the article publication process. To do this, it follows the international standards recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Editors: Are the responsible of the review process that consists of supervising each and every step of the publication process, following the highest ethical standards, the reviewer specialists selection, and the provision of information on Publication Standards for Authors.

Authors: The responsibility of collaborators (authors) will consist of the presentation of rigorous, transparent and ethical scientific/academic papers, assuming their responsibility and authorship. They must clearly expose the method(s) used for the scrutiny of the scientific community, as well as indicate the financing sources of and/or conflicts of interest. They must allow you to offer retractions or corrections if necessary.

Reviewers: The persons responsible for the review process will report any fraud or plagiarism in the evaluated research, and do not have the right to use the information until the document has been published in the Journal. The review work must be exhaustive, rigorous and objective, within prudently established deadlines, and will show pertinent indications to improve the research work. Reviewers will also complete a form for the editors use and will suggest publication or rejection of the analyzed work.


6.- Plagiarism prevention policies


A pertinent review will be carried out to prevent plagiarism. If it is detected, the respective document will not be considered for publication in this journal.  The Turnitin tool is used for plagiarism detection. In case of plagiarism detection, the procedures followed by the Journal are based on the information provided by COPE, as in the following link:


7.- The bibliography of each article must follow the Chicago System (citation guide).

8.- Compliance with value-added services

9.- Compliance with digital presentation policies

10.- Suggestions for the author (a) in the Judgment Comments section:

The other type of contribution to Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas consists of judgment comments. If you are writing this type of document, please consider the following aspects:


Recommended aspects for case analysis:


  • Find an attractive title, for the comment, related to the topic addressed
  • - General aspects of the court.
  • - General principles applicable (or applied to the specific case)
  • - Summary of the case (Background, origin of the process, cause petendi.
  • - Jurisdiction (s) of the Court to light the specific case.
  • - Precautionary measures and/or incidental issues.
  • - Normative and substantive analysis of the case raised (comparative law)
  • - Controversial aspects
  • - Dissident criteria
  • - The responsibility of the State / non-compliance.
  • - The operative part (measures of reparation and/or compensation).
  • - Concluding considerations and/or final reflections.
  • - Use the most up-to-date Chicago citation template.


Note: As it is a digital document, the page number is not required and should be removed if present.


11.- Suggestions for bibliographic citation in scientific articles: (CHICAGO ANNEX)


The notes and reference style presents bibliographic information through footnotes and organizes them at the end of the text in a single, comprehensive bibliography section.

Book with one author

  • Footnote: Wendy Doniger, Splitting the Difference (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), 65.
  • Bibliography: Doniger, Wendy. Splitting the Difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Books with two authors

  • Footnote: Guy Cowlishaw and Robin Dunbar, Primate Conservation Biology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 104–7.
  • Bibliography: Cowlishaw, Guy, and Robin Dunbar. Primate Conservation Biology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.

Book with four or more authors

  • Footnote: Edward O. Laumann et al., The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994), 262.
  • Bibliography: Laumann, Edward O., John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels. The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Books with an editor or compiler instead of author

  • Footnote: Richmond Lattimore, trans., The Iliad of Homer (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951), 91–92.
  • Bibliography: Lattimore, Richmond, trans. The Iliad of Homer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951.

Book Chapter

  • Footnote: Andrew Wiese, “The House I Live In: Race, Class, and African American Suburban Dreams in the Postwar United States”, en The New Suburban History, ed. Kevin M. Kruse y Thomas J. Sugrue (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006), 101–2.
  • Bibliography: Wiese, Andrew. “The House I Live In: Race, Class, and African American Suburban Dreams in the Postwar United States.” En The New Suburban History, editado por Kevin M. Kruse and Thomas J. Sugrue, 99–119. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.

Paper presented at a congress

  • ​Footnote: C. Fraga González, "Carpintería mudejar: los archipiélagos de Madeira y Canarias", en Actas del II Simposio Internacional de Mudejarismo: Arte. (Teruel: Instituto de Estudios Turolenses, 1982), 303-313
  • Bibliography: Fraga González, C. "Carpintería mudejar: los archipiélagos de Madeira y Canarias". En Actas del II Simposio Internacional de Mudejarismo: Arte, 303-313. Teruel: Instituto de Estudios Turolenses, 1982.

Article form printed journal

  • Footnote: John Maynard Smith, “The Origin of Altruism,” Nature 393 (1998): 639.
  • Bibliography: Smith, John Maynard. “The Origin of Altruism.” Nature 393 (1998): 639–40.

Article from electronic journal

  • Footnote: Mark A. Hlatky et al., "Quality-of-Life and Depressive Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women after Receiving Hormone Therapy," Journal of the American Medical Association 287, no. 5 (2002), (Consultado el 27 de marzo de 2003)
  • Bibliography: Hlatky, Mark A., Derek Boothroyd, Eric Vittinghoff, Penny Sharp, and Mary A. Whooley. "Quality-of-Life and Depressive Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women after Receiving Hormone Therapy". Journal of the American Medical Association 287, no. 5 ( 2002), (Consultado el 27 de marzo de 2003)

Electronic Book

  • Footnote: Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner, eds., The Founders’ Constitution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987) , (Consultado el 27-7-2006)
  • Bibliography: Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. . También disponible en versión impresa y CD-ROM

Web Page

  • Footnote: Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees, “Evanston Public Library Strategic Plan, 2000–2010: A Decade of Outreach,” Evanston Public Library,
  • Bibliography: Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees. “Evanston Public Library Strategic Plan, 2000–2010: A Decade of Outreach.” Evanston Public Library. (Consultado el 1-6-2014)

Investigation data:





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