Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155

Análisis de las flexibilidades contenidas en el acuerdo ADPIC a la luz de las patentes farmacéuticas
PDF (Español (España))


TRIPS Agreement
parallel imports
Bolar exemption
test data
mandatory licensing
public health
Acuerdo ADPIC
importaciones paralelas
cláu- sula Bolar
datos de prueba
licencias obligatorias
salud pública

How to Cite

Medina Amador, J. M. (2014). Análisis de las flexibilidades contenidas en el acuerdo ADPIC a la luz de las patentes farmacéuticas. Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas, (127).


The inclusion of intellectual property matters within the WTO framework brought several consequences on developing countries. Patentability of phar maceutical products must be particulary empha - sized as to its potential impact on public health. Therefore, the flexibilities encompassed within the TRIPS Agreement should be seen as safeguards which allow protecting public interests, while complying with pharmaceutical patents regulations. The exami nation of technical issues contained in the treaty is essential for achieving a full understanding of the scope of the obligations acquired by the State parties.
PDF (Español (España))


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Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas Nº 127 (109-142) enero-abril 2012

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