Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155

Tolerancia y convivencia pacífica con el Islam
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state laïcité
religious freedom
religious conflicts
laicidad estatal
libertad religiosa
conflictos religiosos


Faith has divided men. Religion, as cultural instrument, allows humans to understand their uncertain place in creation. However, the element that is supposed to unite has become a dissociative aspect, to the extent a high number of political conflicts are rooted in religious disputes. In this regard, due to an apparently insurmountable confessional antagonism, the Islamic world and the West have become increasingly polarized. This situation demands us to rethink the issue of tolerance. Thus, this essay analyzes the conflict between “religious freedom and state laïcité” as a challenge for peaceful coexistence and dialogue among religions. This dilemma does not only refer to the mystical, but also affects the social integration of immigrants. The first part of this document refers to the basic aspects of the right to religious freedom. A second section examines the ideology behind state laïcité. Lastly, a study on the problems that have arisen in France and Germany in relation to the use of the Muslim veil has been included.
PDF (Español (España))


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