Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155

El interrogatorio y la contrainterrogatorio en Costa Rica
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Litigation skills
litigation tools
theory of the case
alternative view
criminal procedural hearings
Destrezas de litigación
herramienta del litigante
teoría del caso
punto de vista alternativo
procesal penal por audiencias

How to Cite

Solórzano Sánchez, R. (2014). El interrogatorio y la contrainterrogatorio en Costa Rica. Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas, (124).


Examination and cross-examination are some of the most important skills that a good counsel must command; this includes knowing how to approach, both his own and others’, witnesses and knowing how to use the questioning too, which must be done scientifically. There are basic rules that every litigant must follow: a theory of the case, which is the assumption that intervening party presents on how facts occurred and law enforcement, thereby building a proposal known as claim. The objective of the claim is to become the raw material for the ruling, based and argued intellectively on the proof of evidence to be submitted and analyzed during the debate, to perform the three elements required by the hearing process model: controlling, opposing or presenting an alternative view.
PDF (Español (España))


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