Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155

Magia verbal: la manipulación del lenguaje en el discurso jurídico, político y social
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word magic
linguistic naturalism
analytical philosophy
philo and ontogenetical-structures
language games
mythological thought
ecstasies-and-catharsis models
magia verbal
naturalismo lingüístico
filosofía analítica
estructuras filo y ontogenéticas
juegos del lenguaje
pensamiento mitológico
modelos de éxtasis y catarsis


This article belongs to the field of epistemology of social sciences (with an special emphasis on political science, sociology and law). The fundamental thesis that runs throughout is that social scientists fre- quently face two main intellectual obstacles in their work. I have called those obstacles: word magic and linguistic naturalism respectively. According to the first, words have an absolute power over reality; in such a way that to communicate the word (or the right word-formulae) implies that reality changes simultaneously. According to the second, there exists an ontological identity between language and the world. Word magic and linguistic naturalism are used generally to foster irrational emotions (especially in the political arena), to move toward action, to manipulate and, last but not least, to deceive people.
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