Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155

National interest to TLCAN
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interés nacional
visión sectorial
soberanía energética
soberanía alimentaria
National interest
sector view
energy sovereignty
food sovereignty


In this article the author reflects on the concept of national interest, considering its basic referents: State, nation and power. His analysis describes and examines aspects related to the vulnerability of the Mexican national interest on informal policies of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA.). This article explores, through a series of antithetical elements, such Mexico’s national interest, in the context of NAFTA, producing chiaroscuro effects for the country. The author provides a panoramic review of said international instrument, and then, he describes a sector view of the national interest in various fields of the economy and society. Finally, the author points out foreign technological dependence, discouraged private investment in research and development, and a lack of promotion on products made in the country by Mexican innovators as consequences of that international treaty.
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