Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155

¿Tienen las sentencias desestimatorias en recursos de amparo de la sala constitucional efecto de cosa juzgada frente a la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa?
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Cosa juzgada
cosa juzgada constitucional
sentencias desestimatorias de la Sala Constitucional
vinculariedad erga omnes
Derecho de la Constitución
jurisdicción contencioso administrativa
Res judicata
constitutional res judicata
dismissal judgments of the Constitutional Court
erga omnes binding effect
Constitutional Law
contentious-administrative jurisdiction


This article presents some arguments intended to analyze whether or not it is correct to admit in estrictu sensu the procedural criterion of material res judicata in the case of dismissal judgments of the Constitutional Court issued to resolve “amparo” remedies. The thesis proposed herein is that such resolutions do not produce res judicata effects in the contentious-administrative jurisdiction, but they do have a binding an erga omnes effect as the judgment involves a decision concerning an interpretation of Constitutional Law. Finally, it considers that Judgment number 2014-12825 of the Constitutional Court, which incorporated constitutional res judicata, presents some unclear arguments, as it makes an effort to provide more legal certainty to some areas of the legal system, the examination of which may mean an overlapping between constitutional jurisdiction and contentious-administrative jurisdiction.
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Sentencia de la Sala Constitucional N°2014-12825 de las 15:05 horas del 6 de agosto del 2014.

Código Procesal Civil, Ley N°7130.

Nuevo Código Procesal Civil, Ley N°9342.



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