Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155

The Role of the International Criminal Court in the Kichwa Sarayaku People case: A crime against humanity?
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Kichwa Sarayaku People
crimes against humanity
Epistemic violence
Critical thinking
Pueblo Kichwa Sarayaku
crímenes de lesa humanidad
violencia epistémica
pensamiento crítico

How to Cite

Quirós Orozco, P., & Rodríguez Aaraya, M. . (2025). The Role of the International Criminal Court in the Kichwa Sarayaku People case: A crime against humanity?. Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas, 166(166), 1–18. Retrieved from


The purpose of this investigation is to identify whether the events that occurred against the Kichwa Sarayaku people in Ecuador between 2003 and 2004 constitute crimes against humanity.

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