Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas ISSN Impreso: 0034-7787 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5155


Code of Ethics

Authorships and contributions

When submitting a publishable work, authors will state under oath that all people who appear in the manuscript have intellectually contributed to its development. Likewise, the journal will use (known and unknown) software specialized in detecting plagiarism in the editorial process of each publishable work received for publication.

Ethics in the development of research
In all publishable research papers submitted to the journal, the ethical considerations taken into account for its development must be attested.

Data reproduction

On a transparency principle, and whenever possible, authors of publishable articles will be urged to share the data, like databases, used in their work for analysis purposes in the development of the article. 

Evaluation process
The evaluation of essays or articles publishable in the journal will be carried out through the “double blind” procedure, in which neither authors nor reviewers will know the identity of the others.

In the evaluation process, one of three results will be awarded for each reviewed manuscript:
1. To be published, 2. To be published after the author completes the changes suggested by the reviewers, or 3. Not to publish.In case of a discrepancy among reviewers, the Editorial Board will resort to an additional reviewer, so that their criteria will allow to issue a positive or negative opinion by a simple majority.In any case, it will be the sole responsibility of the Editorial Board to award the final opinion on the publication of a manuscript submitted to the journal.

- Take accountability for any conflict of interest in the document- Guarantee originality and non-simultaneous submission of the document to other publication or communication media- Commit to every step of the editorial process of their document-Guarantee the truthfulness of the information presented in the document, paying attention to the correct attribution of the information taken from other sources 

- Accept evaluating only those documents whose subject matter is within their  expertise- Maintain absolutely confidential the information of the document before, during and after the evaluation and the process- Do not use the information provided for any purposes other than evaluation itself.- Declare any conflict of interest with the evaluation as soon as it is detected.- Be objective and make a professional evaluation avoiding any use of hostile or disrespectful language.- Comply with the deadline requested for the evaluation. 

Advisory and Editorial Board
- Guarantee the current nature of the information published on the website- Guarantee the relevance of the evaluators selected for the process- Ensure compliance with the observations of the evaluators in the document, as appropriate- Guarantee the quality of the document published in the magazine- Maintain the confidentiality of the data of the evaluators and authors along the editorial management process- Promote the magazine in academic and institutional spheres- Recommend the submission of documents to the magazine- Recommend people of recognized prestige and knowledge on the subject to be evaluators of the manuscripts submitted for consideration by the journal