Nutrición Animal Tropical Journal ISSN electrónico: 2215-3527

Effect on zootechnical parameters and tissue composition of aurea tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) fed with red worm (Eisenia foetida).
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Oreochromis aureus
Eisenia foetida
parámetros zootécnicos
composición química
niveles de sustitución
nutrición acuícola
Oreochromis aureus
Eisenia foetida
zootechnical parameters
chemical composition
substitution levels
aquaculture nutrition


This research aimed to evaluate the effects of three levels of the substitution of the dry matter consumption of balanced feed by redworm (Eisenia foetida) on zootechnical parameters and the tissue composition in the initial stages of blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus). The study was carried out between august and october 2020, in the Aquaculture Research Module of the Alfredo Volio Experimental Station of the University of Costa Rica (Cartago, Costa Rica), and lasted 46 days, with a photoperiod of 12h/12h using artificial light control. A system was established with 12 fish tanks, having a total of eight hormonally reversed tilapia, weighing initially 3,25 g ± 0,35 g. The red worm was obtained from the vermicompost module of the same Experimental Station, where it was dehydrated by heat convection for its experimental use. A completely randomized design of one factor and three repetitions per level with four treatments was performed: the Control Treatment (T0) and three balanced feed substitution levels for dehydrated worms in percentages of 25 % (T1), 50 % (T2), and 75 % (T3) of the dry matter. The fish were anesthetized every two weeks to evaluate the parameters of total weight gain (GPT), increase in standard length (iSL), condition factor (K), specific growth rate (TCE), feed conversion rate (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and cumulative mortality. At the end of the experiment, the biochemical composition of the fish was also evaluated; the chemical composition did not show significant differences by treatment and was not affected by the substitution of dehydrated earthworms. Significant differences were obtained between the T3 and T0 treatments for GPT, iSL,TCE, FCR and PER at the end of the trial; determining that up to 50 % of worm can be provided in the daily ration for the fingerlings without affecting those parameters. However, more research is needed on relevant aspects of the use of earthworms as a nutritional input, such as digestibility, antinutritional properties, and greater detail in nutritional profiling.
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