Nutrición Animal Tropical Journal ISSN electrónico: 2215-3527

Effect of feed protein on reproduction, proximate composition, and hemolymph metabolite profile of snail (Achatina achatina)

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Achatina achatina
composición proximal
Achatina achatina
proximate composition


The study was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Buea, Cameroon, to assess the impact of protein on the reproduction, proximate composition, and hemolymph metabolite profile of Achatina achatina snails. Ninety newly hatched snails were divided into three treatments of five animals each, with six replicates. Each treatment group was allocated to one of the experimental diets with different protein levels (T1: 20%, T2: 22%, and T3: 24%). Results revealed that snails fed a diet containing 22% protein (T2) exhibited the earliest age of maturity onset and the highest number of spawns per treatment (7.00 ± 0.00). Conversely, within the same treatment group, snails had the lowest number of eggs per clutch (4.83 ± 0.38). The weight, length, and diameter of the eggs were influenced by the protein level in the diet, with the significantly highest values recorded in snails receiving 20% protein (T1). Animals fed the lowest protein level diet (T1) exhibited reduced values across various parameters, including the fertilization rate (33.00 ± 0.00), incubation period (26.25 ± 0.00), rate of newly hatched snails (75.00 ± 0.00), and newly hatched weight per laying (0.69 ± 0.00). In contrast, those fed a diet containing 22% protein (T2) showed higher values for these parameters, along with the lowest protein value in the hemolymph. Additionally, a correlation was observed between the protein level in the diet and a decrease in total cholesterol in the hemolymph. Notably, values such as live weight, shell weight, soft tissue, total meat, viscera, shell-meat ratio, and pedal mass exhibited an increase with 22% protein (T2) content in the diet. In conclusion, incorporating a protein level similar to T2 in the diet of adult snails is recommended for commercial purposes.


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