Nutrición Animal Tropical Journal ISSN electrónico: 2215-3527

Supplementation with DDGS in grazing steers: effects on carcass and lipid profile of meat
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ácidos grasos
fatty acids


The effect on carcass characteristics and lipid profile of meat from Brahman animals was evaluated in an intensive grazing system with supplementation, incorporating the use of distillers' dried grains with corn solubles (DDGS). The experiment was carried out in a rotational grazing system in the humid tropics of Costa Rica, and the animals were supplemented for 110 days in the finishing period consuming two nutritional supplements, or treatments, with 16 repetitions each: control, balanced feed supplement for commercial use in the country without the incorporation of DDGS, and DDGS, balanced feed for commercial use with the incorporation of 23% of DDGS. Animal weight loss, dressing percentage, and drip loss were calculated. Visual grading of the carcasses and temperature, pH, color, loin eye area, back fat thickness and marbling were evaluated. Samples were taken from the longissimus dorsi muscle and analyzed to determine the meat's ether extract and fatty acid profile. No significant effect (p > 0.05) was observed for the variables of weight loss, dressing percentage, drip loss, visual rating, and carcass characteristics between the evaluated treatments. However, a significant effect (p < 0.05) has been observed for the concentration of conjugated linoleic acid (0.04 g vs 0.58 g/100 g of total fat) in favor of the treatment that included supplementation with DDGS as a source of unsaturated fatty acids. The results obtained under the conditions of this experiment can generate an alternative to increase the added value to the meat produced in Costa Rica and in favor of its consumption as a food with nutraceutical properties. However, it is necessary to assess the impact of DDGS supplementation on properties related to acceptability, lipid oxidation and meat stability.
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