Very little is known about the biology of Catorhintha species, for which a total of 32 species are known, with 10 species present in Mexico. The aim of this work was to describe the immature stages of Catorhintha apicalis scrutator. For this, adults and nymphs were collected as part of a project to study the Hemiptera diversity in contrasting environments in the Cuitzeo Basin, Michoacan. Sampling was done by direct collections and entomological nets; and a total of 523 individuals, 452 nymphs and 71 adults were collected during one year. The 84% of individuals were collected during the rainy season with the greater abundance in August and September, when Mirabilis jalapa (Nyctaginaceae) its host plant, was also more abundant in the study area. All instars were described and notes about their biology and phenology are provided, including the association with its host plant Mirabilis jalapa; besides, comparisons with other species in the genus Catorhintha were made.

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