Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Flora béntica y reproducción de las algas Batophora spp. (Chlorophyta: Dasycladaceae) de una laguna costera contaminada (Bahía de Chetumal, México)
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How to Cite

Quan-Yong, L. I., Jiménez-Flores, S. G., & Espinoza-Avalos, J. (2006). Flora béntica y reproducción de las algas Batophora spp. (Chlorophyta: Dasycladaceae) de una laguna costera contaminada (Bahía de Chetumal, México). Revista De Biología Tropical, 54(2), 341–355.


The benthic flora, and the vegetative and reproductive characters of the algae Batophora oerstedii and B. occidentalis (Chlorophyta) were recorded from five sites of Chetumal Bay, Quintana Roo, Mexico. A sewage gradient has been reported along those sites. Plants were sampled in May and October 1999, which cor-responded to dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Forty taxa were found, 11 are new records for the Chetumal Bay, and 6 are new records for the Mexican Caribbean. Enteromorpha species were present in sites known as rich in organic matter (both from anthropogenic and natural sources). Batophora spp. is the dominant algae in all Chetumal Bay. However, it was absent next to sewage outfalls. The morphological characters of B. oerstedii and B. occidentalis did not change significantly along the sites reported as polluted. The length and width of gametophores, as well as the diameter of the gametangia were clearly different for both species. Different reproductive strategies may help B. oerstedii and B. occidentalis to closely coexist in the Chetumal Bay.
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