Leaf gas exchange was assessed in Avicennia germinans L. grown under different NaCl concentra-tions (0-40‰), after salt-relief, and then during drought. Stomatal conductance (gs) and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) decreased with increasing NaCl concentration, and intrinsic water use efficiency (Pn / gs) increased. Under desalinization Pn / gs declined. Thus, gs did not change in plants grown at low NaCl concentration (10‰), but increased up to 30-32% at higher NaCl concentration (20 - 40‰). However, Pn was only slightly enhanced (10-15%). Under drought, Pn decreased by as much as 46% in plants grown at low NaCl concentration (10‰) and by 22% at high NaCl concentration (40‰). Thus, Pn / gs decreased and water use efficiency was lower during drought compared to estimates prior to salt-relief.

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