The regeneration of the rain forest tree Peltogyne purpurea Pittier after selective logging was studied in Mogos, Osa Península, Costa Rica. The distribution of all adult trees of P. purpurea according to diameter at breath height (dbh) categories revealed that the distribution of the adult trees followed a bell-shaped curve. The largest number of individuals was found in the 70 to 80 cm dbh category. We did not find any significant differences in the distribution of saplings around seed-producing trees. There were similar numbers of saplings in the four transects established around each reproductive tree following the four cardinal directions. Overall, the majority of the saplings were found in the first meters around each seed-producing tree. There was another peak in the number of saplings at the distance where the crown of the tree ended. Logging can negatively affect the regeneration of P. purpurea.

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