The chemical composition of the essential oils from leaves and wood of Ocotea brenesii Standl. growing wild in Costa Rica was determined by capillary GC/FID and GC/MS. From the leaves, 64 compounds were identified, corresponding to 85.9% of the oil, and from the wood 57 compounds were identified corresponding to 69.0% of the oil. The major constituents identified in the leaf oil were α-copaene (21.1%), δ-cadinene (9.2%), spathulenol (7.3%), globulol (5.6%) and β-caryophyllene (5.2%). The major constituents of the wood oil were α-copaene (6.6%), caryophyllene oxide (6.3%), β-caryophyllene (6.1%) and humulene epoxide (4.6%).References
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