We studied the variation in abundance and biomass of plankton in the pelagic environment of Gorgona during October 2010 (rainy season) and March 2011 (dry season), and evaluated their correlation with hydrographic features of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and transparency. Surface waters during both periods were warmer (>26°C) and with low salinity values (<31). At 30m during October the waters were homogeneous, while during March the waters were colder (<18°C), saltier (>34) and presented low oxygen concentrations (<3.0ml/l). 61 genera of phytoplankton and 30 zooplankton groups were identified, with greater values of phytoplankton genus and zooplankton abundance and biomass during March than in October. Bacteriastrum, Chaetoceros, Coscinodiscus, Guinardia, Rhizosolenia and Skeletonema were the phytoplankton genera most frequent in both sampling periods. Copepods were the dominant group of zooplankton, followed by chaetognaths and appendicularia in both periods. Zooplankton biomass was positively associated with surface temperature, salinity at 10m, and transparency of water column, and negatively associated with surface and 30m dissolved oxygen. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 117-132. Epub 2014 February 01.
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