Relationships of body mass and head capsule width were calculated for Thraulodes sp., Haplohyphes sp. (Ephemeroptera), Leptonema sp. and Nectopsyche sp. (Trichoptera), and Anacroneuria sp. (Plecoptera) using different preservatives (Freezing, Formaldehyde 4% and Kahle). The organisms were collected monthly during a year on the Orituco river, Venezuela with a Surber net (0. 1296 m2 and 0.286 mm mesh size). The data presented here are representative of the organism conditions year around. No attempt was made to quantify intersample variation. Regression analysis indicated that all relationships were highly correlated for any of the fixatives used. Changes in dry mass per unit change of head capsule width, vary among species and preservatives with no clear relationship among them. Changes in dry mass calculated as the difference between dry mass of preserved samples to those of unpreserved ones, indicate that all fixatives underestimate dry mass by as much as 85.4%, except for Nectopsyche sp. whose dry mass was always overestimated. These results provide further evidence on the effect of preservatives on dry mass losses. Even when working with tropical species, any study in which biomass is going to be determined should consider the effect of preservatives on dry mass.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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