Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Diversidad de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en un gradiente sucesional del bosque nublado (Nariño, Colombia)
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indicator species
successional stages
cloud forest

How to Cite

Estrada M, C., & Fernández C, F. (1999). Diversidad de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en un gradiente sucesional del bosque nublado (Nariño, Colombia). Revista De Biología Tropical, 47(1-2), 189–201.


We evaluate the potential use of ants as indicator taxa of cloud forest recovery in La Planada Reserve,
at southwestern Andine slope in Nariño, Colombia. The ants were sampled from February through August 1995,
using pitfall traps, tuna baits and manual collection, in seven localities representing forest successional stages:
cattle ground, grassland (three year old), two ten year old forests and 20 year old, exploit and primary forests.
We found 63 species (29 genera) with a 20-26 species richness per locality, with the exception of the ten year
old forest (12 species). There were no any statistical differences in species richness and diversity among samples
and study sites. Nevertheless taxonomic composition was associated with the successional stage (Simple
Matching Coefficient). Ants can be used as indicators of forest recovery at La Planada.
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