During tbe three montbs of field work between October and December 1997 by tbe junior autbor in tbe in tbe Réserve Spéciale d'Ivohibe and in tbe Foret d' Ankazomivady-Ambositra, Province of Fianarantsoa, a collection of scorpions was made, mainly witb tbe use of pitfall buckets. The species collected were Grosphus limbatus (Pocock), Grosphus madagascariensis (Gervais), and new species of Tityobuthus Pocock (Scorpiones, Buthidae), which is described from Ivohibe based on two female specirnens. Tityobuthus ivohibe n. sp., is tbe e1eventb species described in tbe genus from Madagascar. Some comments concerning tbe taxonomic position of tbe new species are also presented.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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