Phylogenetic analysis of seven nominal species of the genus Cynoscionicola Price 1962 based on 18 characteres and 31 charaeter states, produced two equally parsimonious cladograms, with a consistency index of 0.85 and 35 steps. Different tree topologies depends on the position of the members that inhabit scianids in the Pacific Coast, with tespect to the ones that inhabit Cynoscion in the Atlantic. Monophyly of Cynoscionicola is supported by three unambiguos synapomorphies: genital atrium formed by four atrial pouches, genital atrium presenting spines of different size and shape, and shape of spines in anterior chamber of atrial pouch. Using phylogenetie analysis as a template, we analyzed host relationships, and biogeographic distribution foc rnembers of Cynoscionicola, and we propose an origin for both, hosts and monogeans, in the Atlantie, with an early dispersal route.along the AtlanticCoast, and a speciation event (vicarianee) determined by the ¡solation of a population of Cynoscion whenthe Ithsmus of Panama arose in the Pliocen, eombined with a host switehing event to other memberS of the Scianidae.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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