The North Pacific coast of Costa Rica extends from Bahía Salinas, bordering with Nicaragua on the north to Islas Negritos in the Golfo de Nicoya on the south This region is biologically rich and economically very important for the country. The far north of this region experiences a seasonal upwelling, related to the increase in the Trade Winds (from December to April-May). As a result of the upwelling water temperature decreases while nutrients concentrations and CO2 in the surface waters increase. These oceanographic changes have important consequences for the marine organisms, for example the seasonal growth of macroalgae. This paper aims to compile all the publications available on marine and atmospheric research on the North Pacific of Costa Rica. A total of 587 documents were located and analysed. Most of the publications are on biodiversity, followed by ecological studies, and there are few publications on other topics. Mangroves are the coastal ecosystem, with most papers, followed by coral reefs. Of other coastal ecosystems there are few publications if at all. The best studied groups are the marine turtles, decapod crustaceans and gastropods, followed by bivalves and fishes. By far the most studied area is Bahía Culebra, followed by Bahía Santa Elena. Most of the publications are scientific papers in journal with 487. There is also an important number of thesis, 36. The number of publications and the diversity of topics for the North Pacific is relatively high, but more studies are needed in other geographic areas and topics, and monitoring should be reinforced and extended. The North Pacific of Costa Rica is a region that is changing rapidly and we must have the scientific information to manage the marine environments in a sustainable way. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 4): 151-184. Epub 2014 Diciembre 01.
Acuña, F. H., Garese, A., Excoffon, A. C. & Cortés, J. (2013). New records of sea anemones (Anthozoa: Actiniaria from Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 48, 177-184. (AC, BC, Bd, CnA, Ml)
Acuña, J. A., Cortés, J. & Murillo, M. M. (1996-1997). Mapa de sensibilidad ambiental para derrames de petróleo en las costas de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 44(3)/45(1), 463-470. (AC, BC, CtP)
Acuña-González, J. A., Vargas-Zamora, J. A., Gómez-Ramírez, E. & García-Céspedes, J. (2004). Hidrocarburos de petróleo, disueltos y dispersos, en cuatro ambientes costeros de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 52 (Suplemento 2), 43-50. (AC, BC, CtP)
Acuña-Mesén, R. A. (1980). Aspectos de la fase terrestre de la tortuga lora Lepidochelys olivacea.Tesis de Maestría, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica. 116 p. (Arb, Os, Te, TM)
Aguirre, A. A. & Lutz, P. L. (2004). Marine turtles as sentinels of ecosystem health: Is fibropapillomatosis an indicator? EcoHealth, 1, 275-283. (AC, En,Os, TM)
Aguirre, A. A., Spraker, T. R., Chaves-Quiroz, A., du Toit, L. A. & Balazs, G. H. (1999). Histopathology of fibropapillomatosis in olive ridley turtles Lepidochelys olivacea nesting in Costa Rica. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 11, 283-289. (AC, En, Os, TM)
Ajtai, P., Camacho-García, Y. & Wehrtmann, I. S. (2003). Range extension of Crosslandia daedali (Nudibranchia: Scyllaeidae). Revista de Biología Tropical, 51: 274. (AC, BC, Bg, MoG)
Alfaro, E. J. (1998). Influencia de los Océanos Pacífico y Atlántico Tropical sobre los patrones de precipitación en Centroamérica. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile. (CA, Te)
Alfaro, E. J. (2000). Response of air surface temperatures over Central America to Oceanic Climate Variability Indices. Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 7(2), 63-72. (AC, CA)
Alfaro, E. J. (2002). Some characteristics of the annual precipitation cycle in Central America and their relationships with its surrounding tropical oceans. Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 9(2), 88-103. (AC, CA)
Alfaro, E. J. (2014). Caracterización del Veranillo en dos cuencas de la vertiente del Pacífico de Costa Rica, América Central. Revista de Biología Tropical, 62 (Suplemento 4), 1-15. (AC, CA)
Alfaro, E. J. & Cid, L. (1999). Análisis de las anomalías en el inicio y el término de la estación lluviosa en Centroamérica y su relación con los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico Tropical. Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 6(1), 1-13. (AC, CA)
Alfaro, E. J. & Cortés, J. (2012). Atmospheric forcing of cool subsurface water events in Bahía Culebra, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2), 173-186. (AC, Af, BC, CA, OF)
Alfaro, E. J. & Lizano, O. G. (2001). Algunas relaciones entre las zonas de surgencia del Pacífico Centroamericano y los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico tropicales. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2), 185-193. (AC, Af, CA, GP, OF)
Alfaro, E. J., Cid, L. & Enfield, D. (1998). Relaciones entre el inicio y el término de la estación lluviosa en Centroamérica y los Océanos Pacífico y Atlántico Tropical. Investigaciones Marinas, 26, 59-69. (AC, CA)
Alfaro, E. J., Hernández, D. & Bezanilla, A. (2007). Uso de un modelo de aguas someras para analizar la influencia del Atlántico Tropical Norte y del Pacífico Ecuatorial del Este sobre la circulación atmosférica en los mares Intra-Americanos. Revista de Climatología, 7, 15-26. (AC, CA)
Alfaro, E. J., Cortés, J., Alvarado, J. J., Jiménez, C., León, A., Sánchez-Noguera, C., Nivia-Ruiz, J. & Ruiz-Campos, E. (2012). Clima y variabilidad climática de la temperatura subsuperfical del mar en Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2), 159-171. (AC, Af, BC, CA, OF)
Alpermann, T.J. 2001. The fisheries of ornamental fishes in Guanacaste, Costa Rica with special emphasis on the population dynamics of the Cortez Rainbow wrasse, Thalassoma lucasanum (Gill 1863). Tesis de Maestría, ISATEC, Universidad de Bremen. Bremen, Alemania. 84 p. (BC, Eg, Pe, PiA, Te)
Alvarado. J. J. (2008). Seasonal occurrence and aggregation behavior of the sea urchin Astropyga pulvinata (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) in Bahía Culebra, Costa Rica. Pacific Science, 62, 579-592. (AC, BC, Eg, EcE)
Alvarado, J. J. & Cortés, J. (2009). Echinoderms. In I. S. Wehrtmann & J. Cortés (Eds.), Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America (Texto: pp. 421-433, Lista de especies: Disco Compacto pp. 392-408). Berlin: Springer. (BC, Bd, BS, Cp, Ec,)
Alvarado, J. J. & Vargas-Castillo, R. (2012). Invertebrados asociados al coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) en Playa Blanca, Bahía Culebra, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2), 77-92. (AC, BC, Bd, CnA, Eg, Ec)
Alvarado, J. J., Herrera, B., Corrales, L., Asch, J. & Paaby, P. (2011). Identificación de las prioridades de conservación de la biodiversidad marina y costera en Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 59, 829-842. (AC, AMP, Bd, BSE, CB, Cu, Cv, GP, IT, Os, Pa, PD, Pn, PP, Ta)
Alvarado, J. J., Cortés, J. & Reyes-Bonilla, H. (2012a). Bioerosion impact model of the sea urchin Diadema mexicanum on three Costa Rican Pacific coral reefs. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2), 121-132. (AC, BC, Bi, EcE, Eg)
Alvarado, J. J., Cortés, J., Esquivel, M. F. & Salas, E. (2012b). Costa Rica’s Marine Protected Areas: review and perspectives. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60, 129-142. (AC, AMP, Cv, Lg, PaN, PSR)
Alvarado-Barrientos, J. J. (2012). Estado e impacto de Diadema mexicanum A. Agassiz, 1863 (Echinoidea) en los arrecifes coralinos del Pacífico Tropical Oriental. Disertación doctoral, Posgrado en Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. 192 p. (BC, Bi, EcE, Eg, Te)
Alvarado-Quesada, G. M. (2006). Conservación de las aves acuáticas de Costa Rica. Brenesia, 66, 49-68. (AC, Av, BS, CB, Cv, IB, ICa)
Amador, J. A., Alfaro, E. J., Lizano, O. G. & Magaña, V. O. (2006). Atmospheric forcing in the Eastern Tropical Pacific: A review. Progress in Oceanography, 69, 101-142. (AC, CA, GP, OF)
Arana, P. M., Wehrtmann, I. S., Orellana, J. C., Nielsen-Muñoz, V. & Villalobos-Rojas, F. (2013). By-catch associated with fisheries of Heterocarpus vicarius (Costa Rica) and Heterocarpus reedi (Chile) (Decapoda: Pandalidae): a six-year study (2004-2009). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 33, 198-209. (AC, CrD, Eg, FCG, Pe)
Arndt, R. G. (1999). Predation by the black iguana (Ctenosaura similis) on the painted ghost crab (Ocypode gaudichaudii) in Costa Rica. Florida Scientist, 62, 111-114. (AC, Cu, Eg, CrD, Rp)
Arroyo-Mora, D. (1998). Crecimiento y reproducción de Strombus galeatus (Gastropoda: Strombidae) en el Pacifico de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 46 (Suplemento 6), 27-36. (AC, CB, Eg, MoG)
Arroyo-Mora, D. & Mena, L. (1998). Estructura de la población del cambute Strombus galeatus (Gastropoda: Strombidae) en Cabo Blanco, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 46 (Suplemento 6), 37-46. (AC, CB, Eg, MoG)
Augener, H. (1922). Ueber litorale Polychaeten von Westindien. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1922(3-5), 38-53. (AC, BC, Bd, Py)
Báez, A. L. 1985. Evaluación de algunos aspectos de la biología del molusco Polymoesoda inflata (Philippi, 1851) (Bivalvia Corbiculidae) manglar de Pochote, Puntarenas-Costa Rica. Tesis de Licenciatura en Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro. 74 p. (Eg, MoB, Pt, Te)
Bailey, H., Benson, S. R., Shillinger, G. L., Bograd, S. J., Dutton, P. H., Eckert, S. A., Morreale, S. J., Paladino, F. V., Eguchi, T., Foley, D. G., Block, B. A., Piedra, R. Hitipeuw, C., Tapilatu, R. F. & Spotila, J. R. (2012). Identification of distinct movement patterns in Pacific leatherback turtle populations influenced by ocean conditions. Ecological Applications, 22, 735-747. (AC, Eg, OF, PG, TM)
Ballance, L. T., Pitman, R. L. & Fiedler, P. C. (2006). Oceanographic influences on seabirds and cetaceans of the eastern tropical Pacific: A review. Progress in Oceanography, 69, 360-390. (AC, Av, Eg, GP, MM, OF)
Ballestero, D. 2006. El Domo Térmico de Costa Rica. In V. Nielsen-Muñoz & M. A. Quesada-Alpízar (Eds.), Ambientes Marino-Costeros de Costa Rica (pp. 69-85). Comisión Interdisciplinaria Marino Costera de la Zona Económica Exclusiva de Costa Rica, Informe Técnico. San José, Costa Rica: CIMAR, CI, TNC. (DTC, Inf, OF)
Ballestero, D. & Coen, J. E. (2004). Generation and propagation of anticyclonic rings in the Gulf of Papagayo. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25, 2217-2224. (AC, GP, OF)
Bandy, O. L. & Arnal, R. E. (1957). Distribution of Recent Foraminifera off the west coast of Central America. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 41, 2037-2053. (AC, BC, Bd, Bg, Fo)
Banta, W. C. & Carson, R. J. M. (1977). Bryozoa from Costa Rica. Pacific Science, 31, 381-424. (AC, Bd, Br, PdC)
Barham, E. G. (1979). Giant larvacean houses: observations from deep submersibles. Science, 205, 1129-1131. (AC, Ap, FCG, ZP)
Barnard, J. L. (1954). Amphipoda of the family Ampelisceidae collected in the eastern Pacific by the Velero III and Velero IV. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 18, 1-137. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, BSE, CrA, PB, PdC)
Barnard, J. L. (1980). Revision of Metharpinia and Microphoxus (marine Phoxocephalid Amphipoda from the Americas). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 93, 104-135. (AC, Bd, BS, CrA, PB)
Barnard, J. L. & Barnard, C. M. (1982). Revision of Foxiphalus and Eobrolgus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Phoxocephalidae) from American Oceans. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 372, 1-35. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, CrA)
Bassey-Fallas, G. (2010). Evaluación ecológica de los arrecifes y comunidades coralinas de las Islas Murciélago y sección norte de la Península de Santa Elena en el Pacífico de Costa Rica. Maestría en Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica. 124 p. (Ar, IM, PSE, Te)
Bednarski, M. (2001). Macrozooplankton of Culebra Bay, Costa Rica, with an emphasis on copepods. Tesis de Maestría, ISATEC, Universidad de Bremen. Bremen, Alemania. 155 p. (BC, Bd, Bin, Eg, PlZ, Te)
Bednarski, M. & Morales-Ramírez, A. (2004). Composition, abundance and distribution of macrozooplankton in Culebra Bay, Gulf of Papagayo, Pacific coast of Costa Rica and its value as bioindicator of pollution. Revista de Biología Tropical, 52 (Suplemento 2), 105-118. (AC, BC, Bd, Bin, Eg, PlZ)
Beebe, W. (1938). Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society, XIV. Introduction, itinerary, list of stations, nets and dredges of the eastern Pacific Zaca expedition, 1937-1938. Zoologica, 23, 287-298. (AC, BC, Bl, BSE, Bt, CB, IM, Po,Sr)
Beebe, W. (1942). Book of Bays. New York: Barcourt, Brace and Company. 302 p. (BC, BSE, IM, Li, Po)
Beebe, W. (1942). Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society, XXX. Atlantic and Pacific fishes of the genus Dixonina. Zoologica, 27, 43-48. (AC, BC, Bd, PiA)
Bell, B. A., Spotila, J. R., Paladino, F. V. & Reina, R. D. (2003). Low reproductive success of leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, is due to high embryonic mortality. Biological Conservation, 115, 131-138. (AC, Eg, PG, TM)
Bernecker, A. & Wehrtmann, I. S. (2009). New records of benthic marine algae and Cyanobacteria for Costa Rica, and a comparison with other Central American countries. Helgoland Marine Research, 63, 219-229. (AC, Al, Bd, BS, Sr)
Berry, S .S. (1958). Notices of new eastern Pacific Mollusca – II. Leaflets in Malacology, 1, 83-90. (AC, BC, Bd, MoG)
Bezy, M.B. 2009. Reproducción sexual y reclutamiento del coral masivo, Pavona clavus, en Bahía Culebra, Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica. Tesis de Maestría, Universidad de Costa Rica. San Pedro, Costa Rica. 151 p. (CnA, BC, Eg, Te)
Bezy, M. B., Jiménez, C. Cortés, J., Segura, A., León, A., Alvarado, J. J., Gillén, C. & Mejía, E. (2006). Contrasting Psammocora-dominated coral communities in Costa Rica, tropical eastern Pacific. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, 376-381. (CnA, BC, Eg, Sm)
Bianchi, G. (1991). Demersal assemblages of the continental shelf and slope edge between the Gulf of Tehuantepec (Mexico) and the Gulf of Papagayo (Costa Rica). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 73, 121-140. (AC, Bd, Cr, GP)
Bigelow, H. B. (1940). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XX. Medusae of the Templeton Crocker and Eastern Pacific Zaca Expeditions, 1936-1938. Zoologica, 25, 281-321. (AC, Bd, CnM, FCB)
Bilinski, J. J., Reina, R. D., Spotila, J. R. & Paladino, F. V. (2001). The effects of nest environment on calcium mobilization by leatherback turtle embryos (Dermochelys coriacea) during development. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A: Comparative Physiology, 130, 151-162. (AC, Eg, PG, TM)
Binckley, C. A, Spotila, J. R., Wilson, K. S. & Paladino, F. V. (1998). Sex determination and sex ratios of Pacific leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea. Copeia, 2, 291-300. (AC, Eg, PG, TM)
Blanco, G. S. & Santidrián, P. (2011). La tortuga marina negra de Guanacaste amenazada de extinción por prácticas humanas. Ambientales, 41, 19-26. (AC, Cv, Cy, Mt, PNJ, PPr, PZl, TM)
Blanco, G. S., Morreale, S. J., Bailey, H., Seminoff, J. A., Paladino, F. V. & Spotila, J. R. (2012). Post-nesting movements and feeding grounds of a resident East Pacific green turtle Chelonia mydas population from Costa Rica. Endangered Species Research, 18, 233-245. (AC, Cv, Eg, GP, TM)
Blanco, G. S., Morreale, S. J., Vélez, E., Piedra, R., Montes, W. N., Paladino, F. V. & Spotila, J. R. (2012). Reproductive output and ultrasonography of an endangered population of East Pacific Green Turtles. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 76(4), 841-846. (AC, Eg, Gua, TM)
Blanco, G. S., Morreale, S. J., Seminoff, J. A., Paladino, F. V., Piedra, R. & Spotila, J. R. (2013). Movements and diving behavior of internesting green turtles along Pacific Costa Rica. Integrative Zoology, 8, 293-306. (AC, Cv, Eg, Gua, TM)
Böggemann, M. (2002). Revision of the Glyceridae Grube 1850 (Annelida: Polychaeta). Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 555, 1-249. (AC, Cl, Mz, PF, PGi, PIs, Py, Sr)
Bolaños, R., Flores, A., Taylor, R. T. & Cerdas, L. (1974). Color patterns and venom characteristics in Pelamis platurus. Copeia, 1974, 909-912. (AC, Eg, BC, Rp)
Bonoff, M. B. & Janzen, D. H. (1980). Small terrestrial rodents in eleven habitats in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. Brenesia, 17, 163-174. (AC, Bd, MdM, Mg, PSR)
Boulay, J. N., Hellberg, M. E., Cortés, J. & Baums, I. B. (2014). Unrecognized coral species diversity masks differences in functional ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281, 20131580. (AC, BSJ, CnA, Eg, Gn)
Bousfield, E. L. (1982). The amphipod Superfamily Talitroidea in the northeastern Pacific region. I. Family Talitridae: Systematics and distributional ecology. National Museum of Natural Sciences Publications in Biological Oceanography, 11, 1-73. (AC, Bd, CrA, PdC)
Bowen, B. W. Clark, A. M., Abreu-Grobois, F. A., Chaves, A., Reichart H. A. & Ferl, R. J. (1998) Global phylogeography of the ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys spp.) as inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Genetica, 101, 179-189. (AC, Fg, Gn, Na, TM)
Bratcher, T. & Burch, R. D. (1971). The Terebridae (Gastropoda) of Clarion, Socorro, Cocos and Galápagos islands. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th Series, 37, 537-566. (AC, Bd, GP, MoG)
Bravo, J. & Rivera, L. (1998). Mapas de Humedales de Costa Rica e Información Complementaria. San José, Costa Rica: SINAC, MINAE-UICN. Escala 1: 200 000. (Hu, Mp, PaN)
Breedy, O. (2009). Octocorals. In I. S. Wehrtmann & J. Cortés (Eds.), Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America (Texto: pp. 161-167, Lista de especies: Disco Compacto pp. 108-111). Berlin: Springer. (BC, Bd, CnA, Cp)
Breedy, O. & J. Cortés. (2014). Gorgonias (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) de las aguas someras del Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 62 (Suplemento 4), 43-62. (AC, Bd, BS, BSE, BSJ, CB, Cby, CnA, IM, Sr)
Breedy, O. & Guzmán, H. M. (2002). A revision of the genus Pacifigorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 115, 782-839. (AC, BC, Bd, CB, CnA, IM, Ml, Sr)
Breedy, O. & Guzmán, H. M. (2003). Octocorals from Costa Rica: The genus Pacifigorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae). Zootaxa, 281, 1-60. (AC, BC, Bd, BSE, CB, Cj, Cl, CnA, IM, Sr)
Breedy, O. & Guzmán, H. M. (2005). A new species of Leptogorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from the shallow waters of the eastern Pacific. Zootaxa, 899, 1-11. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, CnA, IM)
Breedy, O. & Guzmán, H. M. (2007). A revision of the genus Leptogorgia Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) in the eastern Pacific. Zootaxa, 1407, 1-90. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, CB, CnA, IM, Sr)
Breedy, O. & Guzmán, H. M. (2008). Leptogorgia ignita, a new shallow-water coral species (Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 88, 893-899. (AC, Bd, CnA, Sr)
Breedy, O. & Guzmán, H. M. (2011). A revision of the genus Heterogorgia Verrill, 1868 (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Plexauridae. Zootaxa, 2995, 27-44. (AC, BC, Bd, CnA, PNB)
Breedy, O. & Guzmán, H. M. (2013). A new species of the genus Eugorgia Verrill, 1868 (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from mesophotic reefs in the eastern Pacific. Bulletin of Marine Science, 89, 735-743. (AC, BSE, CnA, ZP)
Breedy, O., Guzmán, H. M. & Vargas, S. (2009). A revision of the genus Eugorgia Verrill, 1868 (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae). Zootaxa, 2151, 1-46. (AC, Bd, BSE, CnA, IM, Sr)
Brenes, C. L. & Coen, E. (1985). Correlación T‑S de las masas de agua en la región del Domo Térmico de Costa Rica. Uniciencia, 2(1), 41‑50. (AC, DCR, OF)
Brenes, C. L., Kwiecinski, B., D’Croz, L. & Chaves C., J. (1995). Características oceanográficas de la plataforma Pacífica de América Central y aguas oceánicas adyacentes. Cruceros 25 set-18 oct 1993, 25 feb-18 marzo, 1994. Informe de Campañas. Panamá: PRADEPESCA, 73 p. (GP, Inf, OF)
Brenes, C. L., Lavín, M. F. & Mascarenhas Jr., A. S. (2008). Geostrophic circulation between the Costa Rica Dome and Central America. Deep-Sea Research I, 55, 608-629. (AC, DCR, OF)
Brenes, C. L., Márquez, A., Quirós, W. & Benavides, R. (2012). Rasgos hidrográficos y batimétricos del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Ostional y áreas adyacentes, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista de Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, 4, 145-156, (AC, OF, Os)
Brenes-Chaves, L., Berrocal, A., Meneses, A. I., Jiménez-Sánchez, C. & Orrego-Vásquez, C. M. (2013). Study on the etiology of fibropapillomatosis of olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) nesting in the National Wildlife Refuge at Ostional, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista de Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, 5, 119-134. (AC, En, Os, TM)
Bright, D. B. (1966). Land crabs of Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 14, 183-203. (AC, Bd, CrD, PdC)
Broenkow, W. W. (1965). The distribution of nutrients in the Costa Rica Dome in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 10, 40-52. (AC, DCR, GP, OQ)
Brusca, R. C. & Iverson, E. W. (1985). A guide to the marine Isopod Crustacea of Pacific Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 33 (Suplemento 1), 1-77. (AC, Bd, BC, CrI, Mg)
Buck, L. (1990). Shell collecting off Playa de Cocos, Costa Rica. The Festivus, 22, 83-85. (AC, Bd, MoG, PdC)
Burch, J. Q. (1949). A new Trigonostoma from Central America. Minutes of the Conchological Club of Southern California, 94, 3-4. (AC, Bd, MoG, Ta)
Burger, J. & Gochfeld, M (2014) Avian predation on olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtle eggs and hatchlings: Avian opportunities, turtle avoidance, and Human protection. Copeia 2014(1):109-122. (AC, Arb, Cv, Eg, Os, TM)
Bussing, W. A. (1981). Elacatinus janssi, a new gobiid fish from Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 29, 251-256. (AC, Bd, Bl, PiA)
Bussing, W. A. (1983). Evermannia erici, a new burrowing gobiid fish from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 31, 125-131. (AC, Bd, PiA, Tr)
Bussing, W. A. (1990). New species of gobiid fishes of the genera Lythrypnus, Elacatinus and Chriolepis. Revista de Biología Tropical, 38, 99-118. (AC, Bd, IM, PiA)
Bussing, W. A. (1991). A new genus and two new species of tripterygiid fishes from Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 39, 77-85. (AC, Bd, BU, BP, BS, BSE, IM, Oc, PbC, PiA)
Bussing, W. A. (1991). A new species of eastern Pacific moray eel (Pisces: Muraenidae). Revista de Biología Tropical, 39, 97-102. (AC, Bd, BU, Oc, PiA)
Bussing, W. A. (1998). Gymnothorax phalarus, a new eastern Pacific moray eel (Pisces: Muranidae). Revista de Biología Tropical, 46, 439-446. (AC, Bd, CB, Ml, PCy, PiA)
Bussing, W. A. & Lavenberg, R. J. (2003). Four new species of eastern tropical Pacific jawfishes (Opistongathus: Opistognathidae). Revista de Biología Tropical, 51, 529-550. (AC, Bd, IM, PiA)
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Cabrera-Peña, J., Vives-Jiménez, F. & Solano-López, Y. (1994). Tamaños y relación sexual de Ucides occidentalis (Crustacea: Gecarcinidae) en el manglar de Estero Panamá, Bahía Culebra. Uniciencia, 11, 97-99. (AC, BC, CrD, Eg, Mg, Pam)
Cabrera-Peña, J., Cruz, R. A., Solano-López, Y. & Protti Q., M. (1995). Biometría de Modiolus capax (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) en Playa Ocotal, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 43, 173-176. (AC, Eg, MoB, Oc)
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Camacho-García, Y. E. & Gosliner, T. M. (2008). Systematic revision of Jorunna Bergh, 1876 (Nudibranchia: Discodorididae) with a morphological phylogenetic analysis. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 74, 143-181. (AC, Bd, CB, MoG, PCh, PAv)
Camacho-García, Y. E. & Gosliner, T. M. (2008). Nudibranch dorids from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica with description of a new species. Bulletin of Marine Science, 83, 367-389. (AC, Bd, CB, ICa, IM, MoG, PCa, PCh, PRe, PAv)
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Camacho-García, Y. E. & Valdés, Á. (2003). Caryophyllidia-bearing dorid nudibranchs (Mollusca, Nudibranchia, Doridacea) from Costa Rica. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 54, 65-79. (AC, Bd, CB, MoG)
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Campos, E., Díaz, V. & Gamboa-Contreras, J. A. (1998). Notes on distribution and taxonomy of five poorly known species of Pinnotherid crabs from the Eastern Pacific (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 111, 372-381. (AC, Bd, CrD, PdC)
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Cortés, J. (1996-1997). Comunidades coralinas y arrecifes del Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 44(3)/45(1), 623-625. (AC, Ar, BSE, Eg, ILC IM)
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Cortés, J. (Editor) (2012a). Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Pacífico norte de Costa Rica: Investigaciones científicas en la zona marina y costera / Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, North Pacific of Costa Rica: Scientific Research of the Marine and Coastal Zone. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2): 244 p. (Al, BC, Bd, CA, CrD, EcE, Eg, Hi, Lg, Mg, MM, PlZ, OF, OQ, VE)
Cortés, J. (2012b). Historia de la investigación marina en Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2), 19-37. (AC, BC, Hi)
Cortés, J. (2012c). Bibliografía anotada sobre organismos, ambientes y procesos marinos en Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2), 231-242. (BC)
Cortés, J. & Guzmán, H. M. (1998). Organismos de los arrecifes coralinos de Costa Rica: Descripción, distribución geográfica e historia natural de los corales zooxantelados (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) del Pacífico. Revista de Biología Tropical, 46, 55-92. (AC, BC, Bd, Bt, CB, IM, PSE, Sr)
Cortés, J. & Jiménez, C. (2003). Corals and coral reefs of the Pacific of Costa Rica: history, research and status. In J. Cortés (Ed.), Latin American Coral Reefs (pp. 361-385). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. (Ar, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, Bt, CB, CnA, Cp, IM, IN, IT, PSE, Sr)
Cortés, J. & Á. Morales-Ramírez (Editores). 2014. Investigaciones científicas en la zona marino-costera del Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica / Scientific Research of the North Pacific Marine and Coastal Areas of Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 62 (Suplemento 4): 184 p.
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Cortés, J. & Wehrtmann, I. S. (2009). Diversity of marine habitats of the Caribbean and Pacific of Costa Rica. In I. S. Wehrtmann & J. Cortés (Eds.), Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America (pp. 1-45). Berlin: Springer. (Ar, BC, Bd, Bl, BS, BSE, CB, Cj, Cp, ICa, IM, IT, Na, Os, PNB, Po, PSE, Sr, Tr)
Cortés, J., Murillo, M. M., Guzmán, H. M. & Acuña, J. (1984). Pérdida de zooxantelas y muerte de corales y otros organismos arrecifales en el Caribe y Pacífico de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 32, 227-231. (AC, Ar, BC, CnA, Eg, Ml, Oc, Sr, Sy)
Cortés, J., Mora-Baumgartner, C & Nielsen, V. (2009). Foraminifera. In I. S. Wehrtmann & J. Cortés (Eds.), Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America (Texto: pp. 131-135, Lista de especies: Disco Compacto pp. 79-82). Berlin: Springer. (BC, Bd, BS, BSE, Cp, Fo)
Cortés, J., V. Nielsen & A. Herrera-Cubilla. 2009. Bryozoans. In I. S. Wehrtmann & J. Cortés (Eds.), Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America (Texto: pp. 413-416, Lista de especies: Disco Compacto pp. 385-388). Berlin: Springer. (BC, Bd, Br, BS, BSE, Cp, PdC)
Cortés, J., Jiménez, C. E., Fonseca, A. C. & Alvarado, J. J. (2010). Status and conservation of coral reefs in Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 58 (Suplemento 1), 33-50. (AC, Ar, BC, Cv, Eg, Mn)
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Crane, J. (1941). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXVI. Crabs of the Genus Uca from the west coast of Central America. Zoologica, 26, 145-208. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, CrD, Sr)
Crane, J. (1941). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXIX. On the growth and ecology of Brachyuran crabs of the Genus Ocypode. Zoologica, 26, 297-310. (AC, BC, BSE, CrD, Eg, Sr)
Crane, J. (1947). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXXVIII. Intertidal brachygnathous crabs from the west coast of tropical America with special reference to ecology. Zoologica, 32, 69-95. (AC, BC, Bd, BSE Bt, CrD, Eg, Po, Sr)
Crane, J. (1975). Fiddler Crabs of the World. Ocypodidae: Genus Uca. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 738 p. (Bd, Bg, Bl, BSE, CrD, Li, Sr)
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Crocker, T. (1933). The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932, No. 2: Introductory statement. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th Series, 21, 3-9, plus one plate. (AC, BSE, Bt, Ep, IM)
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Cushman, J. A. & McCulloch, I. (1939). A report on some arenaceous Foraminifera. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 6, 1-113. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, BSE, Fo, PB)
Cushman, J. A. & McCulloch, I. (1940). Some Nonionidae in the Collections of the Allan Hancock Foundation. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 6, 145-178. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, Fo, PB)
Cushman, J. A. & McCulloch, I. (1942). Some Virgulininae in the Collections of the Allan Hancock Foundation. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 6, 179-230. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, BSE, Fo)
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Dean, H. K. (2004). Marine biodiversity of Costa Rica: Class Polychaeta (Annelida). Revista de Biología Tropical, 52 (Suplemento 2), 131-181. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, BSE, CB, Cl, Cu, PF, IM, Ml, Mt, PCh, PB, PGi, PIs, Py, Sr, Tr)
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Deichmann, E. (1941). The Holothurioidea collected by the Velero III during the years 1932 to 1938. Part I. Dendrochirota. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 8(3), 61-195. (AC, Bd, BSE, EcH, PB)
Deichmann, E. (1958). The Holothurioidea collected by the Velero III and IV during the years 1932 to 1954. Part II. Aspidochirota. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 11(2), 253-349. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, BSE, EcH, PB)
Dexter, D. M. (1974). Sandy-beach fauna of the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of Costa Rica and Colombia. Revista de Biología Tropical, 22, 51-66. (AC, Bd, CrI, Eg, PdC, Py, Sr, Tr)
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Dominici-Arosemena, A., Brugnoli-Olivera, E., Cortés-Núñez, J., Molina-Ureña, H. & Quesada-Alpízar, M. (2005). Community structure of eastern Pacific reef fishes (Gulf of Papagayo, Costa Rica). Tecnociencia, 7(2), 19-41. (AC, BC, Eg, Pe)
Downey, M. E. (1969). Catalog of Recent Ophiuroid Type specimens in major collections in the United States. United States National Museum, Bulletin, 293, 1-239. (AC, Bd, Bl, BS, EcO)
Drake, D. L. & Spotila, J. R. (2002). Thermal tolerances and the timing of sea turtle hatchling emergence. Journal of Thermal Biology, 27, 71-81. (AC, Eg, PG, TM)
Drake, D. L., Behm, J., Hagerty, M.A., Mayor, P. A., Goldenberg, S. & Spotila, J. R. (2003). Marine turtle nesting activity at Playa Naranjo, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, for the 1998-1999 season. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 4, 675-678. (AC, Eg, Pj, TM)
Draper, B. C. (1974). Minute shells - part 9. The Tabulata, 7, 100-114. (AC, MoG, PaN)
Drouet, F. (1936). Myxophyceae of the G. Allan Hancock Expedition of 1934, collected by Wm. R. Taylor. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 3, 15-32. (AC, BC, Bd, Ci)
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Durham, J. W. & Barnard, J. L. (1952). Stony corals of the Eastern Pacific collected by the Velero III and the Velero IV. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 16, 1-110. (AC, BC, Bd, CaN, PB
Dushane, H. & Draper, B. C. (1975). The genus Seila in the eastern Pacific (Mollusca: Gastropoda). The Veliger, 17, 335-345. (AC, Bd, MoG, PSE)
Echeverría-Sáenz, S. & Wehrtmann, I. S. (2011). Egg production of the commercially exploited deepwater shrimp, Heterocarpus vicarius (Decapoda: Pandalidae), Pacific Costa Rica. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 31, 434-440. (AC, CrD, FCG, GP, Pe, ZP)
Eckrich, C. E. & Owens, D. W. (1995). Solitary versus Arribada nesting in the Olive Ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea): a test of the predator-satiation hypothesis. Herpetologica, 51, 349-353. (AC, Arb, Eg, Na, TM)
Efford, I. E. (1976). Distribution of the sand crabs in the genus Emerita (Decapoda, Hippidae). Crustaceana, 30, 169-183. (AC, Bg, CrD, PdC)
Ellison, A. M. (2004). Wetlands of Central America. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 12, 3-55. (AC, BS, Mg, PSR, Tr)
Emerson, W. K. (1965). The eastern Pacific species of Niso (Mollusca: Gastropoda). American Museum Novitates, 2218, 1-12. (AC, Bd, BSE, MoG)
Emerson, W. K. (1991). First records for Cymatium mundum (Gould) in the eastern Pacific Ocean, with commments on the zoogeography of the tropical trans-Pacific Tonnacean and non-Tonnacean prosobranch gastropods with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the west American waters. The Nautilus, 105, 62-80. (AC, BC, Bd, Bg, BS, MoG, PdC)
Enfield, D. & Alfaro, E.J. (1999). The dependence of Caribbean rainfall on the interaction of the tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Journal of Climate, 12, 2093-2103. (AC, CA)
Espinoza, M. & Salas, E. (2005). Estructura de las comunidades de peces de arrecifes en las Islas Catalinas y Playa Ocotal, Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 53, 523-536. (AC, Eg, ICa, Oc, PiE)
Espinoza, M., Clarke, T. M., Villalobos-Rojas, F. & Wehrtmann, I. S. (2012). Ontogenetic dietary shifts and feeding ecology of the rasptail skate Raja velezi and the brown smoothhound shark Mustelus henlei along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America. Journal of Fish Biology, 81, 1578-1595. (AC, Eg, FCG, PiE)
Espinoza, M., Clarke, T. M., Villalobos-Rojas, F. & Wehrtmann, I. S. (2013). Diet composition and diel feeding behaviour of the banded guitarfish Zapteryx xyster along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America. Journal of Fish Biology, 82, 286-305. (AC, Eg, FCG, PiE)
Excoffon, A.C., Acuña, F. H. & Cortés, J. (2009). The sea anemone Nemanthus californicus (Cnidaria, Actiniaria, Nemanthidae) from Costa Rica: re-description and first record outside the type locality. Marine Biodiversity Records, MBAUK 2, 1-5. (AC, Bd, CnA, IM)
Fauchald, K. (1973). Polychaetes from Central American sandy beaches. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 72, 19-31. (AC, Bd, PdC, Py, Sr, Tr)
Fernández A., M. (2002). Daños, efectos y amenaza de tsunamis en América Central. Revista Geológica de América Central, 26, 71-83. (AC, OF, Ts)
Fernández-Arce, M. & Alvarado-Delgado, G. (2004). Vulnerabilidad y capacitación comunitaria ante tsunamis en Costa Rica. Revista Reflexiones, 83(2): 51-60. (AC, OF, Ts)
Fernández-Arce, M. & Alvarado-Delgado, G. (2005). Tsunamis and tsunami prepardness in Costa Rica, Central America. ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, 42(4), 203-212. (AC, Ts)
Fernández-Arce, M., G. Peraldo, R. Flores & W. Rojas, 1993. Tsunamis en Centroamérica. Tecnología en Marcha, 12(2), 17-30. (AC, BC, BP, BS, Bt, Cj, JuN, Pam, PdC, , Ts)
Fernández, C. & Alvarado, J. J. (2008). Chlorophyta de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 56 (Suplemento 4), 149-162. (AC, Al, Bg, PaN)
Fernández, C. & Cortés, J. (2005). Reef Site: Caulerpa sertularioides, a green alga spreading aggressively over coral reef communities in Culebra Bay, North Pacific of Costa Rica. Coral Reefs, 24, 10. (AC, Al, BC, Eg)
Fernández-García, C. (2007). Propagación del alga Caulerpa sertularioides (Chlorophyta) en Bahía Culebra, Golfo de Papagayo, Pacífico norte de Costa Rica. Tesis de Maestría, Universidad de Costa Rica. San Pedro, Costa Rica. 92 p. (Al, BC, Eg, Te)
Fernández-García, C. 2012. Taxonomía y biogeografía de las familias Caulerpaceae (Chlorophyta), Dictyotaceae (Ochrophyta), Corallinaceae (Rhodophyta) en el Pacífico de Centroamérica. Disertación de Doctorado, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, México. 253 p. (Al, BC, Bd, Bg, BS, IB, IN, IV, PNB, Te)
Fernández-García, C., Cortés, J., Alvarado, J. J. & Nivia-Ruiz, J. (2012). Physical factors contributing to the benthic dominance of the alga Caulerpa sertularioides (Caulerpaceae, Chlorophyta) in the upwelling Bahía Culebra, north Pacific of Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 60 (Suplemento 2), 93-107. (AC, Al, BC, Eg)
Ferreira, A. J. (1983). The genus Chaetopleura Shuttleworth, 1853 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) in the warm-temperate and tropical eastern Pacific, southern California to Perú, with the description of two new species. The Veliger, 25, 203-224. (AC, Bd, Bl, BS, MoP, PdC)
Fiedler, P. C. (2002). The annual cycle and biological effects of the Costa Rica Dome. Deep-Sea Research I, 49, 321-338. (AC, DCR, GP, OF)
Fischer, R. (1978). Pared seudoaglutinada en una perforación de Lithophaga (Rupiphaga) hastasia Olsson (Bivalvia). Brenesia, 14/15, 259-266. (AC, Bi, Eg, MoB, Tr)
Fischer, R. (1980). Bioerosion durch Gelege von Nerita funiculata and Nerita scabricosta (Gastropoda). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, 5, 287-292. (AC, Bi, Eg, MoG, Pn)
Fischer, R. (1981). Bioerosion of basalt of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Senckenbergiana Maritima, 13, 1-41. (AC, Bi, CrD, EcE, Eg, MoB, MoG, PaN)
Fischer, R. (1990). Biogenetic and non biogenetic determined morphologies of the Costa Rican Pacific coast. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Neue Folge, 34, 313-321. (AC, Bi, CrD, EcE, Eg, Go, MoB, MoG, PaN)
Fischer, R. & Meyer, W. (1985). Observations on rock boring by Alpheus saxidomus (Crustacea: Alpheidae). Marine Biology, 89, 213-219. (AC, Bi, CrD, Eg, PaN)
Fonseca, L. G., Murillo, G. A., Guadamúz, L., Spínola, R. M. & Valverde R. A. (2009). Downward but stable trend in the abundance of arribada olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) at Nancite Beach, Costa Rica (1971-2007). Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 8, 19-27. (AC, Arb, Cv, Eg, Na, TM)
Foster, J. M., LeCroy, S. E., Heard, R. W. & Vargas, R. (2009). Gammaridean amphipods. In I. S. Wehrtmann & J. Cortés (Eds.), Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America (Texto: pp. 265-274, Lista de especies: Disco Compacto pp. 212-216.). Berlin: Springer. (Bd, Cp, CrA, IM)
Fournier, M. L. (1992). The reproductive biology of the tropical rocky oyster Ostrea iridescens (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Aquaculture, 101, 371-378. (AC, Cu, Eg, MoB)
Fradin, E. (1892). Estudios del Golfo de Nicoya, de la Bahía de Cocos y del Golfo de Culebra. San José: Tipografía Nacional, pp. 97-106. (Re-impreso en Carlos Meléndez Ch. 1974. Viajes por Guanacaste. NOS VEN, 4, 273-290). (AC, BC, Hi, PdC)
Franco-Mata, E. 1999. Turismo en manglares de Costa Rica: una alternativa para mejorar: In T. Ammour, A. Imbach, D. Suman & N. Windevoxhel (Eds.), Manejo productivo de manglares en América Central (pp. 159-169). Serie Técnica No. 7. Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE. (Cp, Ma, Mg, Tr, Tu)
Fraser, C. M. (1938). Hydroids of the 1934 Hancock Pacific Expeditions. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 4, 1-105. (AC, BC, Bd, CnH)
Fraser, C. M. (1938). Hydroids of the 1932, 1933, 1935, and 1938 Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 4, 129-153. (AC, Bd, BS, BSE, CnH, PB, PSE)
Fraser, C. M. (1943a). General account of the scientific work of the Velero III in the eastern Pacific, 1931-1941, Part II: Geographic and biological associations. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 1(2), 49-258. (AC, BC, BS, BSE, CnH, Ep, PB, PSE)
Fraser, C. M. (1943b). General account of the scientific work of the Velero III in the eastern Pacific, 1931-1941, Part III: a ten-year list of the Velero III collecting stations (Charts 1-115). With an appendix of collecting stations of the Allan Hancock Foundation for the year 1942. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 1(3), 259-431. (AC, BC, BS, BSE, CnH, Ep, PB, PSE)
Fraser, C. M. (1948). Hydroids of the Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions since March, 1938. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 4(5), 179-335. (AC, BC, Bd, BSE, CnH, PB, PSE)
Fritzsche, R. A. 1980. Revision of the Eastern Pacific Syngnathidae (Pisce, Sisyngnathiformes), including both Recent and fossil forms. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 42, 181-227. (AC, BC, Bd, IM, PiA)
Fujino, T. (1972). A new Pontoniinid shrimp, Pontonia spighti sp. nov., associated with a newly described ascidian from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Decapoda, Natantia, Pontoniinae). Publication of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 19, 293-301. (AC, Bd, CrD, PdC, Tn)
García, V., Acuña-González, J., Vargas-Zamora, J. A. & García-Céspedes, J. (2006). Calidad bacteriológica y desechos sólidos en cinco ambientes costeros de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 54 (Suplemento 1), 35-48. (AC, BC, CtB, CtS)
García-Céspedes, J., Acuña-González, J. A. & Vargas-Zamora, J. A. (2004). Metales traza en sedimentos de cuatro ambientes costeros de Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 52 (Suplemento 2), 51-60. (AC, BC, CtM)
Garth, J. S. (1940). Some new species of Brachyuran crabs from Mexico and the Central and South American mainland. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 5(3), 53-127. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, BSE, CrD, PB)
Garth, J. S. (1958). Brachyura of the Pacific coast of America. Oxyrhyncha. Tables and Plates. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 21(2), 501-854. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, BSE, CrD, PB, PdC)
Garth, J. S. (1959). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XLIV. Non-intertidial brachygnathous crabs from the west coast of Tropical America. Part 1: Brachygnatha, Oxyrhyncha. Zoologica, 44, 105-126. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, CrD, Sr)
Garth, J. S. (1961). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XLV. Non-intertidial brachygnathous crabs from the west coast of Tropical America. Part 2: Brachygnatha Brachyrhyncha. Zoologica, 46, 133-160. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, CrD, Sr)
Garth, J. S. (1966). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XLVI. Oxystomatous and allied crabs from the west coast of Tropical America. Zoologica, 51, 1-16. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, CrD, IM, Sr)
Garth, J. S. (1974). On the ocurrence in the eastern tropical Pacific of Indo-West Pacific decapod crustaceans commensal with reef-building corals. Proceedings of the 2nd International Coral Reef Symposium, Brisbane, 1, 397-404. (Bg, BSE, CnA, CrD, Sm, Sy)
Gateño, D., León, A., Barki, Y., Cortés, J. & Rinkevich, B. (2003). Skeletal tumor formations in the massive coral Pavona clavus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 258, 97-108. (AC, BC, CnA, Eg, En)
Gates, C. E., Valverde, R. A., Mo, C. L., Chaves, A. C., Ballesteros, J. & Pesk, J. (1996). Estimating Arribada size using a modified instantaneous count procedure. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 1, 275-287. (AC, Arb, Eg, Na, TM)
Glynn, P. W. (1999). Pocillopora inflata, a new species of scleractinian coral (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Pacific Science, 53, 168-180. (AC, Bd, CnA, IM)
Glynn, P. W., Druffel, E. M. & Dunbar, R. B. (1983). A dead Central American coral reef tract: possible link with the Little Ice Age. Journal of Marine Research, 41, 605-637. (AC, BC, Eg, CnA, PEH)
Goldberg, S. R. (2004). Note on reproduction of the yellowbelly sea snake, Pelamis platurus (Serpentes: Elapidae) from Costa Rica. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society, 40, 91-93. (AC, Eg, FCG, Rp)
Gonzalez-Silvera, A., Santamaria-del-Angel, E., Millán-Nuñez, R. & Manzo-Monroy, H. (2004). Satellite observations of mesoscale eddies in the Gulfs of Tehuantepec and Papagayo (Eastern Tropical Pacific). Deep-Sea Research II, 51, 587-600. (AC, GP, OF)
Gore, R. H. (1982). Porcellanid crabs from the coasts of Mexico and Central America (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 363, 1-34. (AC, Bd, CrD, PdC)
Gore R. H. & Abele, L. G. (1973). Three new species of porcellanid crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Porcellanidae) from the Bay of Panama and adjacent Caribbean waters. Bulletin of Marine Science, 23, 559-573. (AC, Bd, BS, CrD, PB)
Grau, G. 1959. Pectinidae of the eastern Pacific. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 23: I-VII, 1-308. (AC, BC, Bd, MoB, PdC)
Gravel, P., Johanning, K., McLachlan, J., Vargas, J. A. & Oberdörster, E. (2006). Imposex in the intertidal snail Thais brevidentata (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 54 (Suplemento 1), 21-26. (AC, BC, Is, MoG)
Grove, J. S. & Lavenberg, R. J. (1997). The Fishes of the Galápagos Islands. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 863 p. (Bd, IM, Li, PiA)
Gutiérrez-Echeverria, A. & Soley A., F. A. (1988). Características del nivel del mar en los litorales costarricenses. Ciencia y Tecnología, 12(1-2), 117-131. (AC, GP, OF)
Hahn, A. T. (2011). Filogeografia global da tartaruga oliva (Lepidochelys olivacea). Disertación doctoral, Faculdade de Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. 107 p. (Fg, Gn, Na, Te, TM)
Haig, J. (1960). The Porcellanidae (Crustacea: Anomura) of the eastern Pacific. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 24, 1-440. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BS, BSE, CrD, PB, PdC)
Haig, J. (1968). Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. Porcellanid crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) from the west coast of Tropical America. Zoologica, 53, 57-74. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, CrD)
Hanna, G. D. & Strong, A. M. (1949). West American mollusks of the genus Conus. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th Series, 26, 247-322. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, Bt, IM, MoG, PB, PdC, Sr)
Hartman, O. (1939). Polychaetous Annelids. Part I. Aphroditidae to Pisionidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 7(1), 1-155. (AC, Bd, BSE, PB, PdC, Py)
Hartman, O. (1940). Polychaetous Annelids. Part II. Chrysopetalidae to Goniadidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 7, 173-287. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, BSE, PB, Py)
Hartman, O. (1944). Polychaetous annelids. Pt. V. Eunicea. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 10, 1-238. (AC, BC, Bd, GP, Py)
Hartman, O. (1944). Polychaetous annelids. Pt. VI. Paraonidae, Magelonidae, Longosomidae, Ctenodrilidae and Sabellariidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 10, 311-389. (AC, BC, Bd, GP, PB, Py)
Harvey, A. W. & McLaughlin, P. (1991). Two new hermit crabs of the genus Pagurus (Provenzanoi group) (Crustacea, Anomura, Paguridae) from the eastern Pacific, with notes on their ecology. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Contributions in Science, 425, 13-21. (AC, Bd, BSE, CrD)
Heard, R. W., Breedy, O. & Vargas, R. (2009). Tanaidaceans. In I. S. Wehrtmann & J. Cortés (Eds.), Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America (Texto: pp. 245-256, Lista de especies: Disco Compacto pp. 204-205). Berlin: Springer. (Bd, Cp, CrT, IM)
Heidemeyer, M., Arauz-Vargas, R. & López-Agüero, E. New foraging grounds for hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas) along the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America. Revista de Biología Tropical, 62 (Suplemento 4), 109-118. (AC, BMt. CB, Eg, PdC, PR, TM)
Hendrickx, M. E. & Harvey, A. W. (1999). Checklist of anomuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the eastern tropical Pacific. Belgium Journal of Zoology, 129, 363-389. (AC, Bd, BS, BSE, CrD)
Hendrickx, M. E. & Wicksten, M. K. (1989). Los Pandalidae (Crustacea: Caridea) del Pacífico mexicano, con una clave para su identificación. Caldasia, 16, 71-86. (AC, BC, Bd, CB, CrD)
Henry, D. P. & McLaughlin, P. A. (1967). A revision of the subgenus Solidabalanus Hoek (Cirripedia, Thoracica) including a description of a new species with complemental males. Crustaceana, 12, 43-58. (AC, BC, Bd, CrP)
Henry, D. P. & McLaughlin, P. A. (1975). The barnacles of the Balanus amphitrite complex (Cirripedia, Thoracica). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 141, 1-254. (AC, BC, Bd, BS, CrP)
Hernáez, P. & Vargas, R. (2013). A new species of Callianidea H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Decapoda, Axiidea, Callianideidae) from the Pacific coast of Central America, with key to the genus. Zootaxa, 3681, 147-154. (AC, Bd, CrD, IM, PG)
Hernáez, P. & Wehrtmann, I. S. (2011). Sexual maturity and egg production in an unexploited population of the red squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda, Galatheidae) from Central America. Fishery Research, 107, 276-282. (AC, CrD, Eg, FCG, GP, Pe)
Hernáez, P., Clarke, T. M., Benavides-Varela, C., Villalobos-Rojas, F., Nivia-Ruiz, J. & Wehrtmann, I. S. (2011). Population demography and spatial distribution of the mantis shrimp Squilla biformes (Stomatopoda, Squillidae) from Pacific Costa Rica. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 424, 157-168. (AC, CrD, Eg, FCG, GP)
Hernández-Sánchez, R. A. (2011). Evaluación de la importancia ecológica de la tortuga lora (Lepidochelys olivacea) (Eschscholtz 1829) en el aporte de energía durante eventos de arribadas en Playa Ostional, Guanacaste. Maestría en Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, Universidad Nacional. (Arb, Eg, Os, Te, TM)
Hertlein, L. G. (1935). The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932. No. 25: The Recent Pectinidae. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th series, 21, 301-328. (AC, Bd, BSE, Bt, IM, MoB)
Hertlein, L. G. & Strong, A. M. (1940). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXII. Mollusks from the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. Part I. Zoologica, 25, 369-430. (AC, Bd, Bl, CB, MoB)
Hertlein, L. G. & Strong, A. M. (1943). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXXII. Mollusks from the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. Part II. Zoologica, 28, 149-168. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, MoB, Po, Sr)
Hertlein, L. G. & Strong, A. M. (1946). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXXIV. Mollusks from the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. Part III. Zoologica, 31: 53-76. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, MoB, Sr)
Hertlein, L. G. & Strong, A. M. (1946). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXXV. Mollusks from the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. Part IV. Zoologica, 31: 93-120. (AC, BC, Bd, BSE, MoB, Sr)
Hertlein, L. G. & Strong, A. M. (1947). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXXVI. Mollusks from the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. Part V. Zoologica, 31, 129-150. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, MoB)
Hertlein, L. G. & Strong, A. M (1948). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXXIX. Mollusks from the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. Part VI. Zoologica, 33, 163-198. (AC, BC, Bd, Bl, BSE, MoB, Po, Sr)
Hertlein, L. G. & Strong, A. M. (1949). Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoo

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