Six new species in thy genus Exobasidium are described: E. aequatorianum n. sp., parasitic on Vaccinium crenatum (Don) Sleumer from Ecuador where it is widely distributed; E. arctostaphyli Harkn., found on Arctostaphylos arbutoides (Lindl.) Hemsl., and on Comarostaphylos costaricensis Small in Costa Rica is redescribed; E. jamaicense n. sp., on Lyonia jamaicensis (Swartz) D. Don from Jamaica and possibly throughout the Caribbean range of the host genus; E. disterigmicola n.sp., on Disterigma humboldtii (KI.) Nied., from the Talamanca Range, Costa Rica and possibly, throughout the range of its host, E. sphyrospermii n. sp.,on Sphyrospermum cordifolium Bentham in Costa Rica, E. poasanum n. sp., on Cavendishia bracteata (R. & P, ex J. St.-Hil.) Hoer., from the Poás massif in Costa Rica. Exobasidium escalloniae Gómez & Kisimova, descrit¡ed from Costa Rica, is now known to occur in Ecuador on the same host, Escallonia myrtilloides L.f Exobasidium vaccinii (Fkl.) Wor. is here reported from Vacciniumj10ribundum H.B.K. from various Ecuadorean 10caliÍies, and E. pernettyae n. sp. is described as a parasite of Pernettya prostrata (Cav.) DC in Costa Rica. With the exception of Escallonia, of saxifragaceous affinities, all hosts belong in the Ericaceae. Exobasidium arctostaphyli is a first record for the neotropical region. With the exception of E. jamaicense, not seen in the wild by us, all others have been found associated with small slugs (Mollusca: Limacidae) which are suspected to be one of the vectors of the parasite. Sorne biogeographical considerations are presented. The Cryptobasidiaceae Clinoconidium bullatum Syd., not collected since first described in 1925, and Clinoconidiuril farinosum (P. Henn.) Pat., are both parasites of Lauraceae, Cinnamomum sp. and Ocotea monteverdensis Burger, respectively, and were found in the Monteverde Reserve, Costa Rica. Drepanoconis larviformis (Speg.) Speg. is reported as a parasite of Aiouea costaricensis (Mez) Kosterm. from the cloud forests of San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica. Clinoconidium farinosum and Drepanoconis larviformis constitute new records for Central America.

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