Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Crecimiento inicial de una plantación mixta de <i>Quercus, Cornus, Alnus</i> y <i>Cupressus</i> en Costa Rica
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How to Cite

Chaverri, A., Zúñiga, E., & Fuentes, A. (1997). Crecimiento inicial de una plantación mixta de <i>Quercus, Cornus, Alnus</i> y <i>Cupressus</i> en Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 45(2), 777–782. Retrieved from


Tbe growth of an eleven year old, míxed plantation Qf four native tree species (Quercus seemannii, Q. pitarius, Comus disciflora and Alnus acuminata) and an exotic species (Cupressus lusitanica) was studied in San José de la Montafia, Heredia, Costa Rica. C. lusitanica had the Iargest diameter (23.46 cm), and A. acuminata, the greatest height (22.08 m). Q. pitarius had the 10west diameter growth rate (0.52 cm/yr), C. lusitanica showed the highest diameter growth rate (2.13 cm/yr) while C. disciflora had a medium growth rate (1.28 cm/yr). Tbe best architectural qualities were seen in A. acuminata and C. lusitanica, followed by C. disciflora. Growth and . IifChitectural data @ow that Iiglít intolerant species A. acuminata and C. lusitanica grow well in míxed p1antati9!ls. Slower growing oales, known as tolerant species, need more Iight. Tbinning· operations around or before age seven 1ü"é recornmended, especially lo iinprove growth of Quercus species.
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