Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Reproducción y alimentación del gaspar <i>Atractosteus tropicus</i> (Pisces : Lepisosteidae) en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Caño Negro, Costa Rica
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reproductive season
food habíts
Costa Rica

How to Cite

Mora Jamett, M., Cabrera Peña, J., & Galeano M, G. (1997). Reproducción y alimentación del gaspar <i>Atractosteus tropicus</i> (Pisces : Lepisosteidae) en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Caño Negro, Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 45(2), 861–866. Retrieved from


Reproduction, length-wejght rdationship, amI food habí!s of gllr AtraclOsleus tl'Opicus were studíed in streams and ponds of National Wildlífe Refuge Caño Negro, Costa Rica from February 1990 through February 1991.Sex ratio was 0.97 wilh preponderan ce of femules, especially in lhe ¡arges! síze-classes. Macroscopic and microscopic exarnination of gonads indicate a single, distinct reproductive season fram April lo October during lhe wet season. The mean síze at maturity for males :me! females was 50-60 cm total length. Fecundity was 1.124 - 99. 087 eggs per ripe female and i! is linearly related to fish length ane! body weight by the equations: F = 1150.6 length - 74130.6 and F = 8.59 weight - 7485.6. The total length-weight regressionwas !oglO weight= -2.964 + 3.351 ¡oglo lenglh for males , ane! loglO weight = -2.729 + 3.211 loglo length for females. The dominant groups found in the stomachs were Cichlidae, Poeciliidae, Characidae, Pi.melodidae, Gymnotidae ane! crustaceans, in order of decreasing importance.
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