On the basis of 92 speciQlens collected in Mexican Caribbean coasts, seven species in three subfamilies were identified.- Notoproctinae: Notoproctus oculatus? Arwidsson, 1907; Nicomachinae : Micromaldane ornithochaeta Mesnil, 1 879, Nicomache antillensis Augener, 1922 and Petaloproctus socialis Andrews, 1 89 1 ; Euclymeninae: Axiothella mucosa (Andrews, 1 89 1 ), Euclymene coronata Verrill, 1 900, and Isocirrus corallicolus (Treadwell, 1929) combo nov. Three other species are included because of their type or reference materials were examined, the maldaninae Sabaco elongatus (Verrill, 1 873) and Maldane sarsi Malmgren, 1865, from the Central Atlantic and recorded in the Grand Caribbean region; Maldane atlantica McIntosh, 1 885, is regarded as indete,rminable.lti a commentary on the species ofAxiothella Verrill, the genus is redefined, species are grouped accordin##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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