A new ant Pogonomyrmex striatínodus Fernández & Palacio from the Andean humid forest of southwestern Colombia is described. This an! exhibits a character mosaic between Pogonomyrmex Mayr and Ephebom)'rmex Wheeler that reinforces the recent synonimization of this last one under Pogonomyrmex Mayr proposed by Lattke in 1990. The new species is easily separated from a1l othets in the genus by the abscence of psamophore, the size of the inferior propodeal teeth and the sculpture and length of the petiolar node. The systematic position of this new specíes in the group of Northern South American species is díscussed, with a key for these species. Pogonomyrmex is mainly a xerophitic genus, wíth sorne mesic species postulated as primitive. Two explanations about the history of thís genus has been proposed. For Wheeler and Creighton the genus originated in North America, with subsequent migration to South America. But Kusnezov suggested an South American origin for Pogonomyrmex, with successive migration to the north. Geologic and paJeoclimatic evidences suggest that faunal migrations were more probable in the south-north direction than the opposite. The recent discovery of P. sylvestris and striatinodus, endemic to northern South America, and with mesic habits, tend to support the South American origin hypothesis##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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