Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Hábitos alimentarios de <i>Nephelobates alboguttatus</i> (Anura: Dendrobatidae) en una selva nublada andina de Venezuela
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How to Cite

Piñero Bonilla, J., & La Marca, E. (1996). Hábitos alimentarios de <i>Nephelobates alboguttatus</i> (Anura: Dendrobatidae) en una selva nublada andina de Venezuela. Revista De Biología Tropical, 44(2B), 827–833. Retrieved from


The diet of Nephelobates alboguttatus. a cloud forest qendrobatid frog from the Venezuelan Andes, is deseribed. This semiaquatie speeies feeds mainly (in prey number ánd biomass) In insects.(specially Diptera and Coleoptera). Males and fémales of thís taxon fed on the saq¡e items. 71.2% of the females fed·on 29.7% of the Diptera in larval stages and, 59.6% consumed 12.7% of adult Coleoptera. 64.8% ofthe males feed Dn 18.0% of the dipteran larvae, while 52.8% preyed upon 13.1 % of adult coleopterans. We report the frrst evídence of feeding on vertebrate larvae by a dendrobatid frog, and the first report Df amphibian-egg feeding by the species. There is sexual dímorphism in size of the eaptured N. alboguttatus; Snout-vent length in males was 26.6::1:2.2 mm, and 23.0±3.3 mm in females. There were significant dífferenees in diet regarding size of prey eaten by males and females, whieh is related to size of the same; males fed on smaller prey (3.2::1:2. 8 mm) than females (4.0±3.4 mm).
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