The echinoderms of the Southern Mexican Pacific have been studied for three centuries, but discrepancies in the nomenclature of some species have pervaded through time. The objective of this work is to present the first updated checklist of all valid species and synonyms, and a historical review of the study of the echinoderms of the Southern Mexican Pacific is also presented. The checklist is based on an exhaustive published literature search and records of specimens deposited in museum and curated reference collections. There are 162 species of echinoderms in the Southern Mexican Pacific from 96 genera, 54 families and 20 orders. The State of Guerrero presented a total of 135 species, Oaxaca 94 and Chiapas 15. We updated the list and added five new records of the species (Microphiopholis platydisca, Ophiostigma tenue, Arbacia stellata, Thyone bidentata, Chiridota rigida) for the Southern Mexican Pacific and one for the Mexican Pacific (Encope laevis). This checklist expands the number of species known for the study area; nevertheless studies suggest that still more species are yet to be discovered.
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