Population parameters (Loo, te. lo ,W"", , C, K and b) for each sex in me shrimp Penaeus styliroslris were studied. The growm equation shows a higher growth rate for females man for males, up to me eigth monm. Posteriorly the pattern is inverted. Females reach me capture age in 7.4 monms and males in 9.1 monms. The capture lengm Le 50% is 139 mm for females and 141 mm for males; me 95% of L"" is reached al 195 mm and 190 mm for females and males, respeetively. Therefore. me life span for females is 19.7 monms and 22.4 months for males. Mortality rates show different values in bom sexes, for Z, F and (lower for males). Moreover, two recruitment picks were detected for this species during me study period, me october-february and january-august.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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