The genetic diversity of nine Amerindian lribes (Boruca, Bokota, Rribri, Cabecar, Guatuso, Guaymí, Huetar, Kuna and Teribe) from Costa Rica and Panama were analyzed using 48 loci of enzimatic systems, blood groups and serum proteína. The average heterozygosity (8) and the frequency of polymorphisms (P) for this assemblage are relatively low (8=-0.055; P=0.217). The genetic differentiation within tribes is also low with the exception of the Cabecar (Gst=O.049). However il is high between lribes (Gst=O.073). These populations bave sorne racial and mixture and negro and caucasian genes are present in different frequencies (1-30%) depending on their ecologícal and cultural background. Mating systems and random genetic drifl should explain these results. In a broad sense the genetic diversity of these Chibehan lribea are similar to others from South America which use different languages.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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