A s tudy of the in vitro morphogenesis of Anthurium cubense was done to develop a suitable micropropagation method. Sorne factors which affect callus formation from leaf segments are: leaf expansion percentage of the explantdonor, leaf section frorn where the explant was taken, N}4N03 and 2,4-D doses in the culture media, physical constitution of the media and photoperiod. Highest callogenesis percentages were observed in petioles expIants taken frorn leaves with 25% expansion, cultured in Nitsch liquid medium plus 200 mg/l NH.¡N03 and 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D and kept in darkness. The callus produced roots but not buds. Under these conditions, the procedure developed for A.scherzerianum and A. andraeanum tissue culture is not suitable for this species.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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