Identification keys are provided for the families and genera of epizoic ciliates present in Decapoda, Natantia. They include 10 families and 13 genera. The descriptions are based on previous reports and on the groups found in pond reared adult prawns of Macrobrachium rosenbergii.
Brock, J. A. 1983. Diseases (infectious and not infectious diseases); Metazoan Parasites, Predators, and Public Health. Considerations in Macrobrachium culture and fisheries. In: CRC Press (Ed.). Handbook of Mariculture. Vol. 1. CRC Press, lnc., Florida. 106 pp.
Camacho, l. 1986. Estudio e identificación de ciliados epibiontes en Macrobrachium rosenbergii procedentes de estanques de cultivo. Tesis de
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Foster, C. & T.G. Sarphic. 1978 iii. Ectocommensal relationship of the peritrichous ciliated Zoothamnium sp. to penaeid shrimp: electron microscopic observations. J. Miss. Acad. Sci. 23 (Suppl).
Hanson, J.A. & H.C. Goodwin. 1977. Shrimp and prawn farming in the Western Hemisphere. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, lnc., E.E.U.U. 439 pp.
Hutton, R.F. 1964. A second list of parasites from marine and coastal animals of Florida. Florida Animal Parasites. Trans. Am. Micr. Soc. 83: 439-47.
Johnson, S.K. 1975. Handbook of Shrimp Diseases. Texas A&M University. Sea Grant College Program TAMU-SG-75-603. 23 pp.
Johnson, S.K. 1977. Crawfish and freshwater shrimp diseases. Texas A&M University Sea Grant College Program TAMU-SG-77-605. 19 pp.
Johnson, S.K. 1982. Diseases of Macrobrachium. In: MB New (Ed.). Giant Prawn Farming. EIsevier, Amsterdan. 269-77 pp.
Kudo, R.R. 1950. Protozoology. Bannerstone House, Illinois. 778 pp.
Lightner, D.V., C. R. Fontaine, & K. Hanks, 2975. Some forms of gill disease in penaeid shrimp. p. 27-31 In: Avaliet, Y & R. Miller (ed.). Proceeding of the Sixth Annual World Mariculture Society. Louissiana State University, Washington.
Overstreet, R.M. 1973. Parasites of some penaeid shrimps with emphasis on reared hosts. Aquaculture 2: 105-140.
Sandifer, P.A. & T.I.J. Smith. 1985. Freshwater Prawns p. 64-125 In: Huner, J. R. & Brown, E. E. (Ed.). Crustacean and Mollusk Aquaculture in the United States. AVi Publishing Co., Westport.
Scott, J.R. & R. Thune. 1986. Ectocommensal protozoan infestations of gills of red swamp crawfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard), from commercial ponds. Aquaculture 55: 161-64.
Sindermann, C.J. 1977. Diseases, Diagnosis and Control in North Marine Aquaculture. Elsevier North Holland, Inc., New York. 329 pp.
Smith, T., Sandifer, P.A. & J.J. Manzi. 1979. Epibionts of pond reared adult malasyan prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man), in South Carolina. Aquaculture 16: 299-308.
Sprague, V. & J. Couch. 1971. An Annotated List of Protozoan Parasites, Hiperparasites, and Commensals of Decapod Crustacea. J. ProtozooI. 18: 526-37.

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