The distribution of Probopyrus pandolicola (Packard, 1879), (hast. Palaemon ritteri Holmes), is extended from Río Chiriquí, Península Burica, Panamá, to near Puertecitos, Baja California (Gulf of California), México. A greater percentage of male than female hosts are infested (P < 0.0001), but larger females (carapace length more than 6.5 mm) were most heavily infested. Female P. pandalicola present a random distribution (coefficient of dispersion s2/x near to 1) throughout the host population, which is "atypical" to the host-bopyrid relationship, All infested hosts carried only a female parasite each. We suspect that P. pandalicola is exotic for the Pacifico A list of the epicaridean isopods recorded from the Mexican Pacific is included.
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Campos-González, E. & J. R. Campoy-Favela. 1988. Epicarideos de Baja California 1. Primer registro y notas bioecológicas de dos Bopyridae y un Cryptoniscidae (Crustacea, lsopoda) para México. Ciencias Marinas (México). 13: 39-48.
Dale, W.E. & G. Anderson. 1982. Comparison of morphologies of Probopyrus bithinis, P. floridensis, and P. pandalicola reared in culture (Isopoda, Epicaridea). Jour. Crust. Biol. 2: 393-409.
Kuris, A.M., G.O. Poinar & R.T. Hess. 1980. Post-larval mortality of the isopod castrator Portunion conformis (Epicaridea: Entoniscidae) in the shore crab, Hemigrapsus oregonensis, with a description of the host response. Parasitol. 80: 211-232.
Markham, J.C. 1974. Parasitic bopyrid isopods of the amphi-American genus Stegrophryxus Thompson. with the description of a new species from California. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 73: 33-41.
Markham, J.C. 1975. A review of the bopyrid isopod genus Munidion Hansen, 1897. parasitic on galatheid crabs in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Bull. Mar. Sci. 25: 422-441.
Markham, J.C. 1977. Description of a new Western Atlantic species of Argeia Dana, with a proposed new subfamily for this and related genera (Crustacea, lsopoda, Bopyridae). Zool. Mcded. 52: 107-123.
Markham, J .C, 1985. A review of the isopods infesting caridean shrimps in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, with special reference to those collected during the Hourglass Cruises in the Gulf of Mexico. Mem. Hourglass Cruises 8: 1-156.
Markham. J.C. 1986. Evolution and zoogeography of the lsopoda Bopyridae, parasites of Crustacea, Decapoda, p. 143-164. In. R.H. Gore & K.L.Heck (eds.). Crustacean Biogeography. A.A. Balkems Publ., Rotterdam.
Sassaman, C., G.A. Schultz & R. Garthwaite. 1984. Host, synonymy and parasitic incidence of Bopyrella calmani (Richardson) from central California (Isopoda: Epicaridea: Bopyridae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 97: 645-654.
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Truesdale, F.M. & W.J. Mermilliod. 1977. Some observations on the host-parasite relationship of Macrobrachium ohione (Smith) (Decapoda. Palaemonidae) and Probopyrus bithinis Richardson (Isopoda, Bopyridae). Crustaceana 32: 216-220.
Van Wyk. P.M. 1982. Inhibition of the growth and reproduction of the porcellanid crab Pachycheles rudis by the bopyrid isopod. Aporobopyrus muquensis. Parasitol. 85: 459-473.
Wicksten, M.K. 1983. A monograph on the shallow water caridean shrimps of the Gulf of California. Mexico. Allan Hancock Monogr. Mar. Biol. 13: 1-59.

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